Radio, Political Legend Ronnie Ford Dies at 75

Radio, Political Legend Ronnie Ford Dies at 75

Hero war Veteran Ronnie Ford not only served his country in the military but when he came home from battle became a police officer in Methuen to serve his community.  Ford also served his community as a city councilor in Methuen, a School Committeeman, and as a member of the Greater Lawrence Vocational School.  He […]

Random Thoughts with Ronnie Ford

Random Thoughts with Ronnie Ford

  By: Ronnie Ford – January 2013 Officer Tom Earnshaw is one big dude! When faced with a twenty person mob attack on his person, the experienced and likable cop was really up against it. Thank God for the backup of the local police and State Police. This shows the potential danger that lurks around […]

Shooting Straight About Newtown, Connecticut

By: Jeff Katz – January 2013 I remember distinctly where I was as I heard about the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. I was trying to assemble some material to discuss that afternoon on WIOD Radio in Miami, Florida. I was going to talk about an outrageous rate increase for Florida […]

School Committeeman Chaisson in Methuen Says Tribune Attack on his Family “Disgusting”

School Committeeman Chaisson in Methuen Says Tribune Attack on his Family “Disgusting”

WEB EXTRA!   SAYS HE WILL BE CANDIDATE FOR WEST END DISTRICT COUNCIL By: Tom Duggan – January 14, 2013 Methuen School Committeeman Evan Chaisson says he is “disgusted” with The Eagle~Tribune after the once thriving daily newspaper published an “article” on Monday making it look like his sister was hired as a teacher because […]

A Real Plan to Stop School Shootings – Written Expressly for Parents of School Children

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – January 2013 The recent massacre in Newtown, Connecticut was horrific to say the least. By all accounts, the unarmed staff members, administrators and teachers acted with great courage while trying in vain to stop the carnage. The killing did not stop until the police arrived […]

Everyone gets a Trophy in North Andover – School Committee Dumbs-Down Grades

Everyone gets a Trophy in North Andover – School Committee Dumbs-Down Grades

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   January 2013 The North Andover School Committee has decided that grading children in the school system with the time tested letter grades which reflect their achievement on tests and projects, is no longer needed. Instead, they have decided to create a complicated number grading system that parents say do not reflect […]

America Has Never Needed the Tea Party More

America Has Never Needed the Tea Party More

By: Christine Morabito – January 2013 Either Congress is in denial about their historically low approval rating of 18 percent, or they have pathologically high self-esteem. Actually, both things may be true. While taxpayers are bracing themselves for higher tax rates, looming inflation and pending known and unknown Obamacare costs, it is business as usual […]

Rep. DiZoglio To Tackle Enforcement of State’s Public Records Law

Rep. DiZoglio To Tackle Enforcement of State’s Public Records Law

By: Tom Duggan – January 8, 2013 What do you call it when the legislature passes a law but they purposely don’t impose any penalties for violating that law? Well if you live in Massachusetts you would call it the Public Records law, or MGL Chapter 66.  Now Sate Representative Diana DiZoglio says the first […]

PODCAST – The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, January 5, 2013

PODCAST – The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, January 5, 2013

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD OR LISTEN TO HOUR 1  CLICK TO DOWNLOAD OR LISTEN TO HOUR 2 Today Tom spoke with former Lawrence City Councilor Mike Sweeney about the death of Heather Sapienza, the wife of fired DPW worker Tom Sapienza. Tom asked the city of Lawrence MA Mayor Willie Lantigua for time off without pay […]

District Attorney Drops Terror Charge on Methuen Teen who made “Columbine” Threat

  By: Tom Duggan – January 4, 2013 LAWRENCE – A dangerousness hearing was held today, for 17 year old Methuen High School Junior, Jacob Butze-Maille, who made threats to commit a mass shooting at Methuen High School last month. His arrest was just days before the mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School […]

Political Will Needed in Lawrence Government

By: Joe D’Amore – December 2012   With headlines announcing Grand Jury indictments of two city officials and the already completed take- over of Lawrence public schools many are suggesting comprehensive receivership of the City of Lawrence is warranted. For an assessment of this possibility the major precedent for state control of a municipality is […]

Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

  By: Tony Ferrao – December 2012 Ah, yes! That wonderful time of the year when we loosen the belt and get ready for some great eatin’! Unfortunately, the wonderful comfort foods that bring back nostalgia can also lead to unwanted pounds. Not the holiday “gift” many are looking for. Here are some tips to […]

The Redefining of America

  By: Peter Larocque – December 2012 What we all witnessed early Wednesday morning, November 7, 2012, the day after the election for the Presidency of the United States of America, didn’t just begin a few days before. It was a long time in the making. I have listened to many reasons, countless amounts of […]