The Heartbeat of the Valley

  By: Paul Murano – August, 2010 When I moved back home from Tampa in the early 1990’s I gathered together a young adult group from St. Margaret’s in Burlington to share an idea. A crisis pregnancy center was needed in the area. To make a long story short everything fell into place, and from […]

Gay Writers of the Valley

Ye Gay Old Valley   By: Dani Langiven, Lesbian Columnist – August, 2010 I thought I’d step away from my political ranting and introduce you to two members of the valley’s gay community who are also writers. Brian Tessier is a 44-year-old attorney and single father of two adopted boys, aged 4 and 8. Tessier […]

It’s the Money, Stupid!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  AUGUST, 2010 Late last month Massachusetts education officials decided to discard the MCAS testing requirements and adopt a new federal program called the Common Core State Standards.   In recent years, Massachusetts has ranked at the top or near the top compared to all other states when it comes to the education […]

Opposing the Death Penalty

By: Paul Murano The terms capital punishment and decapitate come from the same Latin word for regarding the head. Although the death penalty was often the removal of one’s head, there have been other ways of administering it throughout history. Socrates was poisoned, Stephen was stoned, and Jesus was crucified; representing the Greek, Jewish and […]

Business as usual

Lawrence Mayor Lantigua has brought nothing but chaos and has no plan By:  Robert O’Koniewski, Esq. – July, 2010 When Mayor William Lantigua took over city government in January, he promised a break from the business as usual that we have seen under all previous administrations. His rhetoric may have been lofty, but it belied the […]

Tea Party 101

By: Christine Morabito – July, 2010 With new Tea Parties popping up all over the state, there is no question that the message of limited government strikes a chord with a great many Bay State residents. An enthusiastic group of American patriots is forming right in our own backyard with the emergence of the Merrimack Valley […]

Obama’s Oil Spill

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2010   For more than 80 days, millions of gallons of oil have been billowing into the Gulf of Mexico. And for 80 days President Obama has done absolutely nothing to take control of the situation. We agree with Obama’s blind defenders that he cannot put on a cape, fly to […]

Lawrence Fire Chief Murphy Says He is Being Targeted

Lawrence Fire Chief Murphy Says He is Being Targeted

TARGETED! Valley Patriot Exclusive! By: Tom Duggan – July, 2010 Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua is targeting Fire Chief Brian Murphy after the chief publicly opposed the mayor’s efforts to layoff more than two dozen firefighters and close two more fire stations, the chief told the Valley Patriot. Since Chief Murphy appeared before the city council […]

Rep. Torrisi attacks N. Andover constituents, American Citizens

    By: Tom Duggan – June, 2010   NORTH ANDOVER – State Representative David Torissi says he is proud of his record of representing illegal aliens. In a letter he sent to a constituent last month he clearly states his opposition to a measure that would have cut off all state funding for illegal […]