Let the Weapons Ban Sunset, by Amber Pawlick

By: Amber Pawlick – September, 2004 The “assault weapon” ban is set to expire in just weeks. Because of this, there has been much chatter about it in the media. It seems like many if not most people agree that they are for the second amendment but against those big bad “assault weapons.” I have one question for them: why? […]

Global Warming, Don’t Worry Mother Nature Is In Control PART 3

  By: Ted Tripp –  September, 2004 Since the 1960s, science has become increasingly politicized with large, well-organized groups using a particular scientific theory or research result to further their political agenda. In many cases, scare tactics are used to stir up citizens and the groups bringing you this news have a solution to the […]

The Key to Abortion and Stem Cell Ethics: Fetal Viability

The Key to Abortion and Stem Cell Ethics: Fetal Viability

  By: Dr. Chuck Ormsby – September, 2004 Few topics are as emotionally laden as the issue of abortion. Such emotion often spills over to discussions (typically yelling matches) of the embryonic stem cell issue. Politicians see this as fertile territory for demagoguery and they attempt to take full advantage of the opportunity. It is […]

MEDIA WATCH SPECIAL ~ Bush Funded Stem Cell Research

MEDIA WATCH SPECIAL ~ Bush Funded Stem Cell Research

The Democrat Media Lie that Bush “Banned” Stem Cell Research  September 2004 Reading the headlines in the major newspapers one definitely gets the impression that President George W. Bush has banned stem cell research. Claims by presidential candidate John Kerry that President Bush is “ignoring science” in “his ban on stem cell research”, and claims […]


SENIOR MOMENTS WITH JAMES CASSIDY Disabled Vets Fight Injuries, Red Tape September 2004 As we remember the anniversary of 9/11, the most devastating attack on American soil, all Americans must also be constantly reminded of this: since the Civil War, veterans who have fought and defended this country’s liberties and freedoms have been assured that […]

Brooks School Summer Camp Conducts Mock Marriage Ceremonies with Same Sex Children

  By: Tom Duggan – September 2004 NORTH ANDOVER – Children attending the Brooks School summer camp this year were encouraged to get “married” during carnival day where a mock marriage booth was set up for children to “marry” each other. According to several children who attended the day camp and two sets of parents […]

Hanna’s Education Corner – An Interview with Lawrence School Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy

By: Hanna, Age 10 – October, 2004 What is the difference between a teacher, a principal and a superintendent? Teachers work most directly with the students in the classroom. Principals run the schools and are in charge of everyone in the school building. Superintendents are in charge of all the schools. We make sure that […]

Be Selfish, Please!! – Thinking Outside the Box with Dr. Charles Ormsby

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – August, 2004 Last month we discussed (The Valley Patriot, July 2004, Page 3, Freedom’s Laboratory) how free societies, by respecting the rights of property owners to keep their property and to dispose of it as they see fit, permit the maximum degree of rational experimentation and therefore maximize our rate […]

UN Confirms: WMDs Smuggled Out of Iraq

By: Rod D. Martin – August, 2004  In a report which might alternately be termed “stunning” or “terrifying”, United Nations weapons inspectors confirmed last week not merely that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but that he smuggled them out of his country, before, during and after the war. Late last week, the UN Monitoring, […]