The United Nations-United for What? – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

The United Nations-United for What? – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – December, 2004  I became hooked on politics in High School in the early ‘60s. My favorite bumper sticker was in support of Communist China. It read: “Admit Red China to the U.N. – Give Them Our Seat”. I’d suggest such a trade today, but I think every despotic regime is […]

Valley Patriot Kid Reporter, Hanna Interviews Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood

  By: Hanna -December, 2004 Valley Patriot kid reporter Hanna  interviews local celebrities and politicians each month. This month Hanna interviewed Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood.  What do you think about calculators in the elementary schools? Does Haverhill use them?  Haverhill does have them for their classrooms, However they are not used very often.  Do […]

A Dream Deferred

  By: Hartley Pleshaw – December, 2004  Columbus Day, 1967, was a very important day in my life. It was the day that I learned, for the first time, about life’s disappointments, and how reality can shatter dreams. It was the day I learned that there was no Santa Claus, no Never- Never Land, no […]

Heroes and Bozos

  Kudos to Selectman Wendy Wakeman for defending free speech in North Andover. Wakeman supports an open door policy for political candidates who wish to campaign at the North Andover Senior Center.  A belated three cheers for The Town of Methuen Council on aging as well as the Councils on Aging in Lawrence and Haverhill […]

Your Property Taxes in Methuen

  By: Methuen City Council President, Billy Manzi – December, 2004 With Methuen’s City Council prepared to set a “tax rate” at the December 6th meeting, it was an opportune time to discuss the process, tax classification, and general budgetary matters. While the Mayor’s recommendations were not yet available at press time, Methuen’s budget does […]

Representative L’Italien Stop Using The Church

Representative L’Italien Stop Using The Church

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  December, 2004   State Representative Barbara L’Italien has consistently supported two public policies that violate the teachings and core doctrine of the Catholic Church, abortion and gay marriage.  Last month, while staunchly defending her right to espouse these anti-Catholic positions, she publicly attacked pro-life activists who were holding a sign that read […]


By Tom Duggan – November – 2004 President Bush won a clear victory on Election Day with 51% of the popular vote.  He received over 59 million votes, with 3.5 million more than Senator John Kerry. He also received more votes than any other president in America’s history. The American voters have clearly spoken and […]

Republicans Must Stand & Deliver

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL November, 2004 The voters have spoken. Republicans have been entrusted with the power to establish and direct government policy. President Bush won a clear victory in both the popular vote and the Electoral College. The Senate is now 55% Republican and the House of Representatives has a 53-54% Republican majority. Republican Governors […]

L’Italien’s Attack on the Catholic Church

Massachusetts State Representative Barbara L’Italien should be ashamed of herself. She has not only taken a public stand against two of the Catholic Church’s teachings, abortion and gay marriage, (she favors both) the liberal legislator was seen on election day verbally attacking and abusing pro-life activists, some of whom were members of her church parish. […]

A Nation Divided into Thirds

This article is being written before the election results are known. Absent more hanging chads and leftist lawyers seeking to undercut our election process, you now know who won. As of yet, I don’t. You know if we have re-elected an inarticulate, President who appreciates American principles but, all too often, is willing to compromise […]

MA Rep. Barbara L’Italien’s Attack on the Catholic Church

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN     Tom Duggan – November, 2004  Massachusetts State Representative Barbara L’Italien should be ashamed of herself. She has not only taken a public stand against two of the Catholic Church’s teachings, abortion and gay marriage, (she favors both) the liberal legislator was seen on election day verbally attacking and […]

Some People Never Learn

Some People Never Learn

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN     By: Tom Duggan  – November, 2004   With all due respect to the Superintendent of Schools in North Andover, you might think his previous job experience in Reading would have taught him a lesson or two about listening to parents and not supporting fuzzy math programs. Unfortunately for […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL October, 2004 LAWRENCE – In the towns of Andover and North Andover, candidates running for office are not allowed into the senior centers to campaign. These are public facilities, paid for and operated with public funds. Seniors (usually the most active voters) go there to congregate, have fun, and get important information […]