Things We All Learned From The Justo Garcia Trial ~ Kathy’s Lawrence Notebook

Things We All Learned From The Justo Garcia Trial ~ Kathy’s Lawrence Notebook

By: Kathy Runge – Nov. 2016 First, the DA can’t prove that a worker is stealing from this city because the City of Lawrence hires incompetents and can’t keep records. Please put this city into receivership! Secondly, when politicians argue for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and say “Of course we will make […]

What to Expect From a Donald Trump Administration ~ PAYING ATTENTION with Tom Duggan

What to Expect From a Donald Trump Administration ~ PAYING ATTENTION with Tom Duggan

By: Tom Duggan – Nov. 2016 With all the media lies and misrepresentations about Donald Trump before the election, it’s hard to know what was real and what was just made-up, anti-Trump hysteria. So, what will Donald Trump do as president? Nobody really knows the answer to that since he has never been elected to […]

Anti-abortion vs. Pro-life – YE GAY OL’ VALLEY

Anti-abortion vs. Pro-life – YE GAY OL’ VALLEY

By: Dani Langevin – Nov. 2016 Barney Frank once said, “Conservatives believe that from the standpoint of the federal government, life begins at conception and ends at birth.” How true this is. I haven’t met a conservative yet that is not pro-life and anti-death penalty. Isn’t that thought process counter-intuitive? I’ve asked some of my […]

2017-2018 Legislative Session: Expanding Land Conservation

2017-2018 Legislative Session: Expanding Land Conservation

By: Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives – Nov, 2016 Leading up to the beginning of a new formal legislative session in January, I’m focusing in on which bills will be priorities for me to file, re-file and co-sponsor. My column over these next months will be focused on a number of those bills. This month’s column […]

Did “The Walking Dead” Go Too Far? ~ TV TALK with BILL CUSHING

Did “The Walking Dead”  Go Too Far? ~ TV TALK with BILL CUSHING

The highly anticipated premiere of AMC’s ‘The Walking Dead’ aired on October 23rd to near record ratings. Fans of the show will know that this episode promised to resolve last April’s cliffhanger. That episode ended with our group of survivors being captured by Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and his followers, The Saviors. Negan was bent […]

Trump Exposed the Spineless Hypocrisy of So Many ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-16)

Trump Exposed the Spineless Hypocrisy of So Many ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-16)

Donald Trump not only won the presidential election, he got a higher number of Latino votes on Election Day than Mitt Romney did four years ago. He also did better with women than Romney, and won states that no republican has won in more than 30 years. The fact is, the media propaganda was wrong. […]

Why I’m Voting for Donald Trump for President

Why I’m Voting for Donald Trump for President

  Donald Trump wants to build a wall protecting our southern border with Mexico. Hillary Clinton wants open borders. Trump will deport criminals who are also illegal aliens and put them in jail if they come back illegally a second time. Clinton will make them all citizens and give them welfare. Trump wants those here […]

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much…..Helen Keller ~ ROBINS KITTY CORNER

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much…..Helen Keller ~ ROBINS KITTY CORNER

By: Robin Desmet – Oct. 2016 When you start rescuing cats in the neighborhood, the word gets out. Suddenly, people start bringing you cats. Before you know it, other animals start finding their way to your door. I was working at the pharmacy and Jade, a young girl from the neighborhood, walked through the door […]

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