The Sustainable Materials Recovery Program

  By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – November, 2013 State Representative Brian S. Dempsey (D-Haverhill), Chairman of the House Committee on Ways & Means, along with State Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives (D-Newburyport), Representative Linda Dean Campbell (D-Methuen), Representative Diane DiZoglio (D-Methuen) and Representative Lenny Mirra (R-West Newbury) announced today that the Massachusetts Department of […]

Salisbury Town Officials Change their Story on Cost of Sewer Project, Told Federal Judge Cost was $80M

Salisbury Town Officials Change their Story on Cost of Sewer Project, Told Federal Judge Cost was $80M

By: Tom Duggan – November, 2013 Condon and Knowles now seem to be backing the Tomaselli sisters’ claim that the project cost was not $80M On October 7, 2013 the Salisbury Board of Selectmen held a meeting where the “$80 Million Lie” was discussed. The Tomaselli sisters of Salisbury have long contended that the total […]

Erin Cox Confesses to Drinking at Underage Party That Gained National Attention – The History of a Bogus Media Story That Never Happened

NORTH ANDOVER – Valley Patriot sources at Lawrence District Court and in law enforcement tell The Valley Patriot that North Andover volleyball player Erin Cox was in court last month with a signed confession, admitting she was in possession of alcohol and consuming alcohol at an underage drinking party. Cox claimed initially that she was […]

Rivera Calls for Hiring Freeze in Lawrence – Will Stop Paying Indicted Employees – An Exclusive Interview with Lawrence Mayor Elect Dan Rivera

Rivera Calls for Hiring Freeze in Lawrence – Will Stop Paying Indicted Employees – An Exclusive Interview with Lawrence Mayor Elect Dan Rivera

Lawrence Mayor Elect, Dan Rivera on Audits, Investigations and Lawrence’s Future By: Tom Duggan – Movember 9, 2013 Less than 24 hours after the Lawrence Board of Registrars finished tallying up absentee and provisional ballots in the mayor’s race showing Dan Rivera the winner by 57 votes, Rivera appeared on WCAP’s “Paying Attention” radio program saying […]

Citizen Watchdog Training: This One’s for You, Andrew Breitbart

By: Christine Morabito – November, 2013 On September 16, 2011, conservative activist and whistleblower, Andrew Breitbart visited Lexington, Massachusetts. Little did we know how significant that visit would become. Andrew was a hero because he was completely unafraid and committed to exposing a biased media, challenging corrupt government officials and the corrupt government programs they […]

Welcome to Sir Donald Berwick’s World, Pt. 2

By: Opinion Columnist Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan, October, 2013 Read Part 1 HERE Inevitably Sir Donald Berwick’s mindset ended up causing the Mid Staffs Scandal. The hospital at the center of this heart-rending scandal is Stafford Hospital, then under Sir Donald’s good friend Sir David Nicholson at the Staffordshire Health Authority (part of NHS West Midlands). […]

News from the American Legion – By John Lenotte

News from the American Legion – By John Lenotte

  By: John Lenotte – October, 2013 As a continuation from last month, there are a few additional items of note from the American Legion National Convention in Houston, TX. One is the national oratorical champion. In addition to monetary winnings at the district/county and state level, Agnes Rieger of Kansas City received $18 thousand […]

Lt. Colonel Allen West: Race, Poverty, and the Dependency Culture: PART II

READ PART 1 Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan (TD) and Greater Boston Tea Party President Christine Morabito (CM) interviewed Lt. Colonel and former Congressman Allen West (AW) during at the Nashua City Republican Committee’s annual Steak-Out in August. This is part two of that interview. TD: When we have Tea Party rallies I often talk […]

Andover, Dracut, Tewksbury Selectmen Meet to Perambulate the Towns’ Boarders

Andover, Dracut, Tewksbury MA…Saturday morning, September 28, at 9am, Selectman from Andover, Dracut, and Tewksbury meet at a town boundary stone “witness marker” from 1908 to conduct the required Perambulation of the Town boarders. The requirement for this ritual goes back over 200 years to ensure that the towns’ bound markers have not been moved. […]

Language of the PAWS ACT, Protecting Animal Welfare and Safety – Section by Section Summary

SECTION 1. Authorizes the Homeless Animal Prevention and Care Fund, which consists of revenues received from a voluntary tax check-off, to collect and expend money for the care and protection of abused animals. SECTION 2. Requires the State Police or their designee to establish and advertise a toll-free telephone hotline and website for reporting suspected […]

UPDATED: Senator Tarr on Puppy Doe Case – Inspires ‘PAWS Act’ – Legilsation Will Create Animal Abuser Registry

UPDATED: Senator Tarr on Puppy Doe Case – Inspires ‘PAWS Act’ – Legilsation Will Create Animal Abuser Registry

Senate Republicans Fight for Animal Cruelty Law October, 2013 | Updated 10-28-013 Massachusetts State Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) released the following statement today, following the arrest of 32-year-old Radoslaw Czerkawski on multiple charges of animal cruelty in connection with the infamous “Puppy Doe” case:  “The prosecutors and the police in this case deserve […]

Andover Selectman, Vispoli Provides Testimony in Favor of Campaign Transparency

October, 2013   Andover Selectman Alex Vispoli provided testimony to the Joint Committee on Election Laws last month, in favor of more transparency within campaigns. Earlier this year, Vispoli filed House Bill H3340 that would require more disclosure from campaign committees.  “The public has the right to know about all expenditures and donations when selecting […]

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