Representative DiZoglio, Dr. Padmanabhan Win Newspaper’s Coveted 1st Amendment Award

Representative DiZoglio, Dr. Padmanabhan Win Newspaper’s Coveted 1st Amendment Award

  Methuen State Representative Diana DiZoglio and Cambridge Doctor Bharani Padmanabhan were both bestowed one of the highest honors by The Valley Patriot newspaper last month, when they were each given the newspaper’s First Amendment Award. Each year, The Valley Patriot’s 1st Amendment award is given to two individuals who show with their actions that […]

Maura Healey’s Medicaid Fraud Numbers Do Not Look Good

Maura Healey’s Medicaid Fraud Numbers Do Not Look Good

By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – March, 2016 Healthcare costs are a huge percentage of the Commonwealth’s annual expense and a significant burden on both public and private employers’ budgets. Eventually all the spending gets reflected in the insurance premiums we all must pay. It naturally follows that huge attention must be paid to ensure that […]

PAYING ATTENTION! ~ A Day at the Board of Medicine and What Gov. Baker Needs to Know

PAYING ATTENTION!  ~ A Day at the Board of Medicine and What Gov. Baker Needs to Know

  By: Tom Duggan, Feb, 2016 Last month, I had the displeasure of spending a day in Waltham at the state’s Board of Registration in Medicine, also known as BORIM. They are a state board appointed by the governor (this board was appointed by Gov. Patrick) to oversee the disciplining of doctors accused of wrongdoing. […]

Pain Patients To Suffer in Order to Conceal Drug Cartel Activities

Pain Patients To Suffer in Order to Conceal Drug Cartel Activities

By: Dr. Padmanabhan – December, 2015 In November’s Valley Patriot, I laid out the reason underlying the false government narrative that prescribing pain medicine to patients is the cause of the increasing number of overdose deaths. I was encouraged that finally after 2 years of drum-beating the false government narrative and concealing the massive impact […]

Blaming Doctors to Protect Mexican Drug Lords

Blaming Doctors to Protect Mexican Drug Lords

By: Bharany Padmanabhan – Nov. 2015 The Obama Administration has to this minute not denied documents furnished to federal courts documenting that the Sinaloa drug cartel are officially supported by the Department of Justice and officially coordinate with the highest rungs of power within law enforcement exactly as James ‘Whitey’ Bulger did for years. HERE […]

Choose Dr. Oliver Sacks over Lucian Leape or Alice Newton

Choose Dr. Oliver Sacks over Lucian Leape or Alice Newton

By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – Sept. 2015 Dr. Oliver Sacks passed away last week from melanoma of the eye. He was best known for awakening people frozen into catatonic parkinsonism by the Spanish Flu and forgotten at the Beth Abraham Home for the Incurables. All they needed to awaken into normal life was a bit of levodopa. […]

Board of Medicine Has Only Contempt for Governor Baker’s Opioid Efforts

Board of Medicine Has Only Contempt for Governor Baker’s Opioid Efforts

By: Dr.Bharani Padmanabhan – July, 2015 Governor Baker’s task force recently issued its much awaited report which advocated a comprehensive approach to dealing with the state’s heroin epidemic. This report has much to appreciate within but also a few points that remain worrisome. For example the recommendation to stop asking patients in hospitals if their pain […]

Pelletier Family Gives Powerful Testimony in Support of Justina’s Law

Pelletier Family Gives Powerful Testimony in Support of Justina’s Law

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – July 3, 2015 Valley Patriot readers may be familiar with the 17 month long ordeal suffered by young Justina Pelletier at the hands of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) and the huge effort it took from 100,000 ordinary people from across this great land who came together to […]

Baker’s Public Safety Secretary Changes Security in Prisons in Response to NY Prison Break

Baker’s Public Safety Secretary Changes Security in Prisons in Response to NY Prison Break

    June 30, 2015 Secretary of Public Safety Daniel Bennett today announced a reformed security procedure regarding access by attorneys to clients held in Department of Correction facilities in Massachusetts. Bennett says the new regulations are effective immediately, and are designed to strike an improved balance between prison security and personal privacy. “The changes […]

Former Doctor at Cambridge Hospital Files Suit vs Board of Medicine, Cambridge Hospital

Former Doctor at Cambridge Hospital Files Suit vs Board of Medicine, Cambridge Hospital

Dr. Bharany Padmanabhan, formerly of Cambridge Hospital has filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Cambridge, (which owns Cambridge Hospital) as well as some members of the staff of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine (BOM). The suit seeks millions in compensation for unspecified damages. Dr. Bharany says he filed the suit against […]

Valley Patriot Whistle Blower Argues Before SJC on Retaliation by Cambridge Hospital, Exposes Bogus Brain Scan Reports, AG Coakley’s Refusal to Protect Whistleblowers

Valley Patriot Whistle Blower Argues Before SJC on Retaliation by Cambridge Hospital, Exposes Bogus Brain Scan Reports, AG Coakley’s Refusal to Protect Whistleblowers

By: Tom Duggan, 12/19/14 Valley Patriot medical corruption columnist, and Cambridge Hospital whistle blower Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan appeared before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court on Thursday to explain to Justice Botsford that Cambridge Hospital had retaliated against him for exposing a scam concerning inaccurate brain scan reports that he said put his patients at risk. Dr. […]