Physicians Harm Patients to Avoid Being Denounced as Disruptive ~ Medical Corruption

Physicians Harm Patients to Avoid  Being Denounced as Disruptive ~ Medical Corruption

By: Bharani Padmanabha, November, 2014  Most patients assume that physicians protect the patient’s interest come what may. In the US sadly that isn’t realistic, though that standard lasted longer here than elsewhere as physicians were independent, professionally and economically, and did not need outside referrals to treat patients. In Germany and Austria in the 1930s-40s, physicians quietly […]

That Giant Sucking Sound Everyone Ignores

That Giant Sucking Sound Everyone Ignores

By: Bharani Padmanabhan –  October, 2014 We are busy everyday displaying our high principles and our utmost concern for the country. This mainly takes the form of vitriol on Facebook and supporting shooting dead poor deserters hoping for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In the 1800’s the same approach returned runaway slaves to […]

Building Careers by Crushing Families

By: Bharani Padmanabhan, MD September, 2014 The Valley Patriot helped the Pelletiers escape the corrupt gag order that Children’s Hospital whistled up from a captured Court to protect Dr. Alice Newton – the Eva Justin of Harvard. Justina Pelletier served Dr. Newton to step on up as an “expert” just as the Mulfingen children launched […]

Frauds Get Away Free When the Press Fears Asking Questions

Frauds Get Away Free When the Press Fears Asking Questions

By: Bharani Padmanabhan, MD – July, 2014 “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” – George Orwell Valley Patriot readers read last month about the mind-boggling fraud associated with Sir Donald Berwick and his close friends Dr. Lucian Leape and Dr. Charles Denham. Readers also were introduced to the corrupt recommendation from […]

After Being Kidnapped by Department of Children and Families, Justina Pelletier is Home Free

After Being Kidnapped by Department of Children and Families, Justina Pelletier is Home Free

  By: Bharani Padmanabhan MD PhD – June 18, 2014 Justina Pelletier, one of four children of Lou and Linda Pelletier, was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease by Dr Mark Korson at Tufts Medical Center 2 years ago. Her elder sister Jessica also has the same disease and almost died from it before the family, from West […]

How Many Millions did Sir Donald Berwick get from LeapFrog?

How Many Millions did Sir Donald Berwick get from LeapFrog?

By Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – June – 2014 Valley Patriot readers know about the LeapFrog Score fraud. LeapFrog is intimately associated with Dr. Lucian Leape and his close friend Sir Donald Berwick. Both are very close with Dr. Charles Denham whom Leape turned to when honest folks pointed out that Leape’s Score is an unscientific fraud that […]

‘Child Welfare Advocates’ and the ‘Kids for Harvard’ Travesty

‘Child Welfare Advocates’ and  the ‘Kids for Harvard’ Travesty

By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan May, 2014 The definition of a “Child Welfare Advocate” in Massachusetts is someone who supports total secrecy within the Juvenile Court system and sealing every document so even the children allegedly being advocated for are under threat of prosecution for releasing their own records – for their own protection of course. Docket […]

The True Government in Massachusetts

The True Government in Massachusetts

By: Bharani Padmanabhan – April, 2014 We know about the Washington bubble. Inside the bubble, party affiliations and personal views do not matter, the members protect each other from the world outside the bubble. This Commonwealth’s bubble is no different. When one member of the bubble is stung by a real push for accountability, it is […]

The Six Elements of the Massachusetts Way of Justice

Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – March, 2014 Every year on Women’s Day (March 8th) we remember the women who inspired us with their innate decency and courage. This year I give thanks that Violet Amirault enriched our Commonwealth with her life, a good person and self-made entrepreneur who really should’ve moved to California, a battered wife […]

Martha Coakley – Against Sunshine and For Hiding Public Malfeasance

By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – February, 2014 Attorney General Martha Coakley made a lot of noise prior to her last election about public entities not being allowed to force nondisclosure agreements onto whistleblowers and other employees. Turns out it was just that, noise. In a very important report this week, the Globe revealed that it had […]

Commissioner Ed Davis sadly is not this Commonwealth’s Role Model

By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – January, 2014 In Boston a young woman was murdered recently. The murderer had previously attacked another but hadn’t been arrested, even though he dropped his wallet at the scene and the poor victim had described him. The death of Amy Lord thus was an undeniably preventable murder that should have been […]

An Open Letter to Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley

An Open Letter to Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley

  By: Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan Dear Madam, For a year now I have been waiting, living off my savings, to hear from you and your office about my written criminal complaint regarding Dr Julian Harris at Mass DPH and his controllers at Cambridge Health Alliance. Despite numerous pleas there has been absolute silence from you. Recently […]

Welcome to Sir Donald Berwick’s World, Pt. 2

By: Opinion Columnist Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan, October, 2013 Read Part 1 HERE Inevitably Sir Donald Berwick’s mindset ended up causing the Mid Staffs Scandal. The hospital at the center of this heart-rending scandal is Stafford Hospital, then under Sir Donald’s good friend Sir David Nicholson at the Staffordshire Health Authority (part of NHS West Midlands). […]