Lantigua Puppet Modesto Maldonado Must Go! ~ Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

Lantigua Puppet Modesto Maldonado Must Go! ~ Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

July, 2015 Now that his pal Willie Lantigua is out of office, you will hardly find another politician in Lawrence as slick and sleazy as City Council President Modesto Maldonado. Maldonado was a part of the Lantigua machine. His job in that span of four years on the council was to advance Lantigua’s agenda and […]

With Friends Like Roger Twomey Who Needs Mortal Enemies?

With Friends Like Roger Twomey Who Needs Mortal Enemies?

  By Tom Duggan – June, 2014 Lawrence City Councilor Roger Twomey is running for state representative as a Republican making this a three way race among himself, incumbent Marcos Devers (Democrat) and embattled former Mayor, Willie Lantigua (Independent). Some say Twomey is only in the race to divide the anti-Lantigua vote and help the […]

The Moral Crime Ignored in the Donald Sterling Story ~ Beneath the Surface with Paul Murano

The Moral Crime Ignored in the Donald Sterling Story ~ Beneath the Surface with Paul Murano

By: Paul Murano – May, 2014 There has been a lot of media coverage on David Sterling’s racially insensitive remarks recorded in private conversations. Disparaging remarks against the human dignity of any people make no sense and should be condemned. I will let others debate the legality of making private remarks public without one’s consent, […]

“Racist” Valley Democrats Support Voter ID – Valley Patriot Editorial December 2013

By: Tom Duggan – December 15, 2013 Last month all three of Lawrence’s State Representatives voted in favor of Voter ID in Massachusetts. This is odd given that we are told day in, and day out by the Democrat leadership, and the so called “news” media that people who support Voter ID are, in fact, […]

Lt. Colonel Allen West: Race, Poverty, and the Dependency Culture: PART II

READ PART 1 Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan (TD) and Greater Boston Tea Party President Christine Morabito (CM) interviewed Lt. Colonel and former Congressman Allen West (AW) during at the Nashua City Republican Committee’s annual Steak-Out in August. This is part two of that interview. TD: When we have Tea Party rallies I often talk […]

Lt. Colonel Allen West: Race, Poverty, and the Dependency Culture: PART I

AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH LT COLONEL ALLEN WEST   Transcribed by Kathleen Laplante Valley Patriot Publisher Tom Duggan (TD), and Christine Morabito (CM), President of the Greater Boston Tea Party sat down with former Congressman, and Lt. Colonel Allen West to discuss issues such as race, the future of the republican party, the news media’s […]

UMAS~ Lowell, Bully Emeritus (Opinion Column)

UMAS~ Lowell, Bully Emeritus (Opinion Column)

If you can’t beat them with ideas or logic, try slander!     By: Charles Ormsby, Professor UMASS~Lowell Last August I went to my mail box in the Mathematics Department at UMass Lowell (UML) and opened up the letter Letter1OConnor,   My initial reaction was a combination of amazement, pity, and laughter. Only after some reflection […]

Rep. Dave Torissi mocks voters, sides with illegal aliens

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL JUNE 2010     North Andover State Rep. David Torrisi has some nerve. He was elected by American citizens in Lawrence and North Andover to represent their interests in the state legislature. When he took his oath of office he swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States […]

Playing the race card in 2010

Is it time for City Councilor Grisel Silva to resign?     By: Robert O’Koniewski, Esq., – March, 2010   Just how far Lawrence can sink has yet to be seen. The recent events surrounding Mayor Lantigua’s insistence on keeping, and then resigning from, his State Representative job certainly has enabled us to plunge to the […]

Today we are all Lawrencians

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL November, 2009   In last month’s race for the Mayor’s office in Lawrence, Willie Lantigua (da chief) defeated David Abdoo. While we have some serious reservations about Lantigua’s ability to manage the city of Lawrence, as well as the character of those insiders he has surrounded himself with, today is a new day. The election is […]

Who Will Lead Lawrence? An Evaluation of the two Candidates for Mayor in 2009

By: Tom Duggan – October, 2009 ELECTION EDITION Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan is finishing his final term because the city charter limits the mayor’s job to two, four year terms. Sullivan defeated Isabel Melendez in 2001 and Marcos Devers in 2005. Ironically Willie Lantigua endorsed and supported Isabel Melendez in ’01 but flipped in ’05 […]

Obama Fostering Black Racism

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL August, 2009 Harvard’s Professor Gates and a friend, who are both black, locked themselves out of his Cambridge home and had to break into his house. This activity is spotted by a passer-by and reported to the police. No mention of the men’s skin color was mentioned during the call. The police arrive […]

Mayor Sullivan Calls Remarks by Former Councilor “Racist”

Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan Calls Councilor Carlos Matos’ Remarks Racist Tom Duggan – June, 2008 Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan issued a press release this week calling comments in the Boston Globe by former Lawrence City Councilor Carlos Matos in the Boston Globe “racist.” Sullivan also complained about similar comments Matos made when he was spearheading […]