If you don’t vote, you’re part of the problem

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   October, 2009 Last month, the city of Methuen held a preliminary election for mayor and city council and only 9% of the registered voters bothered to participate. In Lawrence, only 30% of the registered voters participated in their preliminary and that was considered unusually high. Though many candidates would like to blame their opponents or the […]

Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Betraying Our Most Precious Legacy

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL September, 2009 It took centuries of economic and political experimentation coupled with tremendous intellectual effort for human beings to discover the concept of individual liberty. It took the blood of millions to establish a beachhead for freedom and to protect it so it could grow and prosper. Now that precious legacy is being squandered […]

Obama Fostering Black Racism

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL August, 2009 Harvard’s Professor Gates and a friend, who are both black, locked themselves out of his Cambridge home and had to break into his house. This activity is spotted by a passer-by and reported to the police. No mention of the men’s skin color was mentioned during the call. The police arrive […]

Mass sales tax to skyrocket to 6.25%

Mass sales tax to skyrocket to 6.25%

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL Look up in the sky! It’s a bird … It’s a plane …   May, 2009 No … it’s Representive David Torrisi (DNorth Andover) coming to rescue the beleaguered taxpayers and business owners of the Merrimack Valley. Joining Rep. Torrisi, in voting against an increase in the state sales tax from 5% to 6.25% was Representative. Linda […]

Eagle Tribune owes readers an explanation

Eagle Tribune owes readers an explanation

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   April, 2009 Last month, The Eagle~Tribune website reported that a suitcase with a cell phone taped to it was left on the steps of Lawrence District Court with a note that read “Call police, call the Tribune, call Tom Duggan”. (Tom Duggan is editor of The Valley Patriot). The story was picked up by […]

Obama Betrays the Jews

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   May, 2009 President Obama has pledged $900 million dollars of our tax money to help rebuild the Palestinian territory called Gaza. Not surprisingly, the terrorist group Hamas has pledged $45 million for the rebuilding of Gaza. Apparently, the goal of the Obama administration is to rebuild Gaza’s infrastructure so that the Palestinian Authority and Fatah Government […]

What did he know, when did he know it?

What did he know, when did he know it?

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL Tax Cheat Patrick Blanchette  February, 2009 Lawrence City Council President Patrick Blanchette has refused to pay nearly $9,000 in federal taxes to the IRS. The feds placed a lien on Blanchette and, according to reports, tried to garnish his wages early last year. The IRS sent a letter to officials at Lawrence City Hall demanding […]

Public should have been told about Lawrence water

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   February, 2009 In March and August of 2008, the City of Lawrence did not perform the states’ required monthly chlorite testing on the city’s drinking water. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection fined the city of Lawrence $5,750 for failing to do those mandated chlorite tests and has warned the city it will face […]

Tsongas reintroduces legislation to improve the quality of veterans’ health care

From the Desk of Congressman Niki Tsongas By: Congressman Niki Tsongas – January 12, 2009    WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Niki Tsongas today reintroduced two bills to address and improve the quality and continuum of mental health care available to veterans. Recognizing the sharp increase in post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health wounds […]

We Support Israel

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   January, 2009 The people of Israel endure immanent destruction on a daily basis from a number of terrorist organizations, governments and civilian populations in the region. The threat they face is something that most Americans cannot fathom. Palestinian terrorists, civilians by definition, use ambulances to transport weapons and terrorists from place to place on the […]

North Andover Family caught in Mumbai, India terrorist attacks

North Andover Family caught in Mumbai, India terrorist attacks

North Andover woman recounts how she and her family became caught up in India’s terrorist attack By: Erin Mary Ackerman – January, 2009 Editors note: The following is a first hand account of North Andover resident Erin Mary Ackerman (and her family) who went to Mumbai, India last month just as the terrorist attack began […]

Mayoral Candidate in legal dispute

Mayoral Candidate in legal dispute

Israel Reyes at the center of lawsuit over allegations on May Street     By: Paula Porten  December, 2008   Former Lawrence City Councilor and candidate for Mayor, Israel Reyes, is wrangled in a lawsuit involving May Street Partners, LLC, Reyes Group, Inc. and several properties on May Street in Lawrence.  May Street Partners owns the […]

We opppose the Fallen Hero Commemoration Act (HR 6662)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  December, 2008 Who could oppose a bill called the Fallen Hero Commemoration Act? We can. Under the current laws and regulations, when an American serviceman is killed in action his or her next of kin have the final say over whether or not the press is allowed to be present at the military base when the […]

Hero in Our Midst – Haverhill’s John Katsaros and Code Burgandy

  Tech Sgt. James Moore, USAF It is now possible for us to remember a true patriot. Sworn to silence for a period of time, even to his own family, John Katsaros can finally reveal his story of perseverance, courage, and heroism to us. We hear stories about freedom fighters. However, an airman of this […]