VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (9-14) – Who Were the Real Racists in Ferguson?

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (9-14) – Who Were the Real Racists in Ferguson?

September, 2104 In Ferguson, MO a white police officer shot a black man named Michael Brown six times, killing him after a confrontation that resulted from Brown’s strong arm robbery of a cigar store. With no other evidence available, many among the black population of Ferguson took to the streets to loot, riot and commit […]

LARE Institute Offers Free Customer Service Certification

LARE Institute Offers Free Customer Service Certification

LARE Institute offering free Customer Service Certification training and assessment for qualified Lawrence residents, as made possible through Santander Foundation grant. Opportunity is knocking at the doors of Lawrence residents looking to get back to work or advance in their careers. LARE Institute, a branch of American Training, is now offering National Professional Certifications in […]

Wrongful Employment Termination Laws in MA

Wrongful Employment  Termination Laws in MA

By: Attorney Timothy Stark – August, 2014 For this week’s column, I thought I would discuss some specific Massachusetts laws that make an involuntary termination from employment unlawful in Massachusetts. Please keep in mind, however, that as a general rule, Massachusetts is an employment at will state. Therefore many involuntary terminations, even though unfair, are […]

Bigger is Definitely Not Better – Dr. Frank MacMillan

Bigger is Definitely Not Better – Dr. Frank MacMillan

By. Dr. Frank MacMillan – August, 2014 Health care consolidation is a bad deal for Massachusetts’s consumers. Over the past two decades, our hospitals, physicians, and health plans have been concentrating market power to a degree that is unprecedented, and this trend has been stimulated and accelerated by government intervention. This has led to monopoly […]

State Senator O’Connor Ives Working Into Final Day of Session

State Senator O’Connor Ives Working Into Final Day of Session

By: Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives – August, 2014 July is one of the busiest months in the legislature because the legislative session comes to a close on July 31, 2014. As such, the Senate acted on a number of notable pieces of legislation. S. 2337 An Act Relative to Unsolicited Loans This bill was one […]

Legislature Goes Through – Not Around – Tough Issues

Legislature Goes Through – Not Around – Tough Issues

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell – August, 2014 This session produced many important pieces of legislation: On-line voter registration and challenges to Citizens United that require a listing of the top contributors to Political Action Committees (PACs) on TV ads. This will help us sort through some smoke in this coming election; Increased legal […]

Valley Patriot’s of the Month ~ Heroes in Our Midst: The Moran Brothers

Valley Patriot’s of the Month ~ Heroes in Our Midst: The Moran Brothers

By: Gary Mannion – August, 2014 Webster’s dictionary defines a patriot as one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests. The Moran family was such a family; one of the many families, over the years, that has shown its support for its country. Born and raised on Willow St. in […]

Thoughts from Councilor #5 ~ Methuen City Councilor Dan Grayton

Thoughts from Councilor #5 ~ Methuen City Councilor Dan Grayton

  Greetings Valley Patriots! It is my pleasure to begin to provide an article each month geared towards those of you with a eye trained on Methuen and its politics. Look forward to brief articles touching on several topics like Council votes and other decisions and events affecting those who live here. Enjoy. Uber ambulance […]

How Far We Have Come?

How Far We Have Come?

By: Markl Lipman – August, 2014 The recent events and conflict in Gaza have caused great stress and polarization around the world. Although the best in the great majority of us has risen to the top in protests for peace across the globe; the worst in a few, blinded by the ideology of racism and […]

LEX LUTHOR’S BOOK REVIEWS – Collective Retribution by D.S. Edwards

LEX LUTHOR’S BOOK REVIEWS – Collective Retribution by D.S. Edwards

Collective Retribution, a new novel by D.S. Edwards, available on and at, is a fictional story of a future America that many people fear could happen if we don’t change the political tide. On the dust jacket of the book is a quote from Abraham Lincoln, which says “America will never be destroyed […]

I Don’t Want a Ceasefire In Gaza

I Don’t Want a Ceasefire In Gaza

By: Forest Rain in Tel Aviv August, 2014 Again we are hearing news of negotiations for a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. The world media seems jubilant. I am not. I don’t want a ceasefire. I want peace. Real peace. A ceasefire means ceasing to fire. It makes no mention of putting down weapons, or […]

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