Local Star Anabel burning up the Airwaves

  Anabel Gutierrez was born in Huntington Park, CA on December 28th 1985. She moved from California to Mexico at the age of 5, where she learned to write and speak Spanish fluently. Three years later, she moved to Waltham, MA, where she lives to this day. From an early age, she loved the arts […]

Hundreds Flock to Valley Patriot Bash, Newspaper Bestows Awards to Members of the Community

Hundreds Flock to Valley Patriot Bash, Newspaper Bestows Awards to Members of the Community

ALL PHOTOS (C) COPYRIGHT RON MUSHOW PHOTOGRAPHY & THE VALLEY PATRIOT   (PHOTO GALLERY)     More than 400 people tuned out Friday night to attend the Valley Patriot 9th Anniversary BASH where the editors of the monthly newspaper (Tom Duggan, Dr. Charles Ormsby and Ralph Wilbur) honored police officers, firefighters, veterans, and those who […]

Lawrence’s Mayor Lantigua Slams Getler, Happy Eagle Tribune fired Publisher

Lawrence’s Mayor Lantigua Slams Getler, Happy Eagle Tribune fired Publisher

By: Tom Duggan  Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua issues statement regarding the firing of Eagle Tribune publisher Al Getler saying that Getler was not ethical and purposely tried to discredit the image of the City of Lawrence. The Valley Patriot reported yesterday that Getler has been fired as the publisher of Eagle Tribune Publishing and former […]

What a Man Can Be He Must Be – (Motivation)

What a Man Can Be  He Must Be – (Motivation)

By: Motivational Speaker Jeff Katz – February 2013 As a child, my Dad once shared with me that there are things you do simply because they are the right thing to do. You’re not looking for a trophy or certificate. Your soul, he said, will be made richer for having taken the right path. You’ll […]

Paying Attention with Tom Duggan (Topic Media Lies and propaganda) Feb 16, 2013

Paying Attention with Tom Duggan (Topic Media Lies and propaganda) Feb 16, 2013

    CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Today Tom and Paul talked about the lies and incompetence of today’s American news media as evidenced by the cop killer story of Christopher Dorner. The Eagle Tribune’s bogus Lantigua story, the Valley Patriot’s 9th anniversary, public records law and Senator […]

Let’s Talk About Food Addiction

  By: Pennie Hale – February 2013 Is there a secret to weight loss? Do some people know the secret while others don’t? When you see someone successfully losing weight, are you envious? Have you seen tv commercials that claim to know the secret? Have you invested money in commercial weight-loss programs? Have you purchased […]

Note to Lawrence Citizens, Beware of False Prophets!

  By: Peter Larocque – February 2013 Usually when one reads the Title of Prophet, they immediately think of Biblical Prophets. Biblical Prophets are those called by God to speak for Him to discipline, admonish, encourage or edify His people. They may at times even warn His people of coming events that would not be […]

LIVE THE WOW! Do Everything You Can to Protect Your FREEDOM this New Year! Loss of Even a Small Bit of It Can Shatter Any Dreams You May Have. Follow the Example of People Living the WOW! and Protect Your Freedom with a Vengeance!

By: Tom Connors – January 2013 Forget all those New Year Resolutions. It’s the same thing every year. You are going to lose weight. You are going to eat healthy from now on. You are going to go back to school and learn new things. None of it ever happens. The bottom-line is this. You […]

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