VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL ~ Lantigua Still Controls the Lawrence City Council (Jan. 2015)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL ~ Lantigua Still Controls the Lawrence City Council (Jan. 2015)

With all of the problems facing the City of Lawrence, the city council is focusing their efforts on protecting political hacks in city hall and attacking Mayor Dan Rivera. Last month, the council considered a vote of “no confidence” in Mayor Rivera claiming he is playing politics with his firing of Lantigua appointees. The narrative […]

Convicted Felon on Work Release Watching From The Balcony as Deval Patrick Makes his Final Exit

Convicted Felon on Work Release Watching From The Balcony as Deval Patrick Makes his Final Exit

    Jan.  7, 2015 It’s his last day as Governor of Massachusetts and Deval Patrick is making his ceremonial exit from The State House for the last time. He may not have noticed, but if he had looked up from his cheering supporters on his way out the door he might have recognized Lawrence’s favorite […]

Heroes Honored

Heroes Honored

By: Jen Jones – December, 2014 The Methuen Exchange Club hosted their 20th Annual Awards Night on November 18th at the Merrimack Valley Golf Club. This is a special event all around as the club presents awards to a few very special people who have displayed incredible acts throughout the community. The awards presented consisted […]

Tom Duggan’s December Notebook ~ HEROES & BOZOS of 2014!

Tom Duggan’s December Notebook ~ HEROES & BOZOS of 2014!

      BOZO OF THE YEAR – LENNY DEGNAN – It takes a lot to get bozo of the year but Lenny Degnan, (former Chief of Staff for Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua) has managed to do just that. Degnan was convicted of fraud and corruption earlier this year as the result of his role […]

Some Patients Pay More and May Not Keep their Doctor – By Dr. Frank MacMillan

Some Patients Pay More and May Not Keep their Doctor – By Dr. Frank MacMillan

By: Dr. Frank MacMillan – December, 2014 While I consider myself well read and I work hard to remain connected to and aware of changes happening in medicine, I have only recently become knowledgeable about a new program being rolled out by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) on January 1, 2015 that may […]

Death Without Dignity – TEEN TALK with ANA DEBERNARDO

Death Without Dignity – TEEN TALK with ANA DEBERNARDO

By: Ana DeBernardo – December, 2014 One of the strongest arguments for physician assisted suicide is the idea of “Death with Dignity.” People claim that their life is theirs and only theirs, and that no one should have the right to decide when to end it but them. If a man is diagnosed with a […]

“Revenue Estimates: the Most Important Legislative Battle of 2015”

“Revenue Estimates: the Most Important Legislative Battle of 2015”

  By: DJ Bettencourt – December, 2014 This month, the newly elected members of the New Hampshire Legislature officially took office. Despite most of the attention focusing on legislative leadership battles and a shocking upset in the Speaker of the House race, the most important battle of the 2015-2016 legislative session is likely to be […]

More Salisbury Residents Say They Paid Sewer Betterment “Fraud”

More Salisbury Residents Say They Paid Sewer Betterment “Fraud”

By: Tom Duggan – December, 2014 SALISBURY, MA – For the last year and a half The Valley Patriot has been investigating the way the Town of Salisbury charges rate payers for construction projects – sewer betterments, sewer user fees, water fees, taxes on property, and exactly how much tax and at what rate payers were […]

Ret. Woburn Chief Emotionally Speaks Out About “Protests” at Candle Light Vigil Honoring Slain Woburn Officer Jack Maguire

Ret. Woburn Chief Emotionally Speaks Out About “Protests” at Candle Light Vigil Honoring Slain Woburn Officer Jack Maguire

“Many times our lives have been threatened by people like those today that are marching. And they shouldn’t. They should be thanking us and thanking Jack who gave his life for this community.”  Ret. Woburn Chief Phil Mahoney By: Tom Duggan, December 26, 2014 Emotions still run deep in the City of Woburn, Massachusetts four […]

Vibrations from Ferguson

Vibrations from Ferguson

By: John MacDonald – December, 2014 On November 13, 2014, Congresswoman Tsongas led a hearing on police militarization following protests in Ferguson, Missouri in the House of Representatives. During that hearing she was quoted by the Lowell Sun as saying, “When you saw peaceful protesters being confronted with armored vehicles, having assault weapons pointed at […]

Awareness for COPD – 3rd Leading Cause of Death

Awareness for COPD – 3rd Leading Cause of Death

By: State Senator Katy Ives Dec. 2014 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death in the United States. It disproportionately impacts women and is caused by smoking and poor air quality. It severely impacts quality of life by causing a shortness of breath, which makes it difficult to do the […]