Tisei, kicks off campaign to unseat Tierney

Tisei, kicks off campaign to unseat Tierney

By: Tom Duggan – December, 2011 Wakefield – Former State Senator and candidate for Lt. Governor Richard Tisei announced last month that he will seek the republican nomination for congress in the hopes of unseating democrat John Tierney. Flanked by supporters and members of the media, Tisei said that he was going to make jobs […]

Martha, Martha, Martha… 3 DWI’s

Martha, Martha, Martha… 3 DWI’s

GEORGETOWN TODAY   By:Lawrence “Lonnie Brennan – November, 2011 While the local papers detailed multiple articles regarding the most recent incident of Georgetown Housing Authority Member Martha Robertson, the chatter around town about this, and other elected and appointed officials, has been deafening. One person said it best ‘thank God it was a tree she […]

Top 40 – Taxpayer Supported Earners

Top 40 – Taxpayer  Supported  Earners

  By: Lawrence “Lonnie” Brennan -September, 2011 As we head into an important fiscal year, with the first of what has been promised to be several tax-overrides recently approved, we note that we’re a bit behind in posting taxpayer expenditures. Specifically, the top 40 taxpayer supported earners of 2010. (The Valley Patriot had previously posted […]

Top 40 – Taxpayer Supported Earners

Top 40 – Taxpayer  Supported  Earners

  By: Lawrence, “Lonine” Brennnan – September, 2011 As we head into an important fiscal year, with the first of what has been promised to be several tax-overrides recently approved, we note that we’re a bit behind in posting taxpayer expenditures. Specifically, the top 40 taxpayer supported earners of 2010. (The Valley Patriot had previously […]

Turner & Nason: Together Again!

Turner & Nason: Together Again!

  By: Lawrence, “Lonnie” Brennan – August, 2011 What exactly is Moonlight Productions and how did they ever produce such a moving theatrical production in Georgetown this summer? Impossible to answer in just a few paragraphs… Director and lead actor JT Turner, together again with music director Sandi Nason guided 42 actors and actresses (children, […]

Georgetown: A Town Divided, Yet Again

Georgetown: A Town Divided, Yet Again

  By: Lawrence, “Lonnie” Brennan – May, 2011 Hi. Did I mention that Georgetown School Superintendent Carol Jacobs will garner $174,300 of taxpayer money this year? And that we have a lovely $1.2 million dollar override that, by the time you read this, is supposed to be inflicted upon the taxpayer? Someday, perhaps 20 years […]

Override will cost you $60 to $110/month

Override will cost you $60 to $110/month

  By: Lonnie Brennan – January, 2011 A few folks were chatting the other day about the upcoming tax increase for the schools, when my friend Tim cut through the air and simply stated “start saving.” His words cut right to the core. It’s a done deal he thinks. There’s “too many of them, and […]

Hope and Change

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL NOVEMBER, 2010   Election night 2010 was stunning for many here in Massachusetts, but the results were not always what we hoped for. Many of us worked hard on campaigns, taking time away from families and jobs to help elect our favorite candidates. When the candidates we worked for were defeated, it […]

Faggan, L’Italien, Pelosi Dumped Ding, Dong, the Worst are Gone!

GEORGETOWN TODAY By: Lawrence “Lonnie” Brennan – November, 2010 Locally and nationally, ultra-liberal, ultra-taxing, ultra-arrogant and entrenched politicians got slapped in the face and kicked to the curb. It’s about time. James Faggan was that notorious ‘rep’ who argued against protecting children, even going so far as to let us all know he would make […]

Vote YOUR Values This November

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – October, 2010 Do you believe in personal responsibility, or do you want to be oppressively taxed to permit others to escape the consequences of their irresponsibility? Do you struggle to balance your family’s budget and try to save for the future while you see your taxes […]

Time to Raise the Taxes

  By: Lawrence, Lonnie Brennan – April, 2010 It’s spring, and that means it’s time to raise the taxes on local residents and homeowners! Yippee! Let’s take a quick review of just how fun and easy it is to raise taxes in any city or town, and especially in the quaint hamlet of Georgetown. First […]

‘Heroes always … celebrating an anniversary’

GEORGETOWN TODAY By: Lonnie Brennan – March, 2010 Over the past years I’ve had the privilege to contribute a few words and reflect on a few thoughts regarding our fine communities; some positive observations, some less than desirable. Nothing has been more of an honor than meeting and listening to the many Valley Patriot Heroes […]