The Home of the Brave and the Free

The Home of the Brave and the Free

By: Kim Saltmarsh – January, 2012 It’s dawn. You’re hungry and cold, dirty and tired. The faint light of a rising sun only reflects the exhaustion and determination on your face. All you have is the hope that boot camp taught you well because you are an American Marine. I always honored our American troops, […]

Some New Year Thoughts for 2012

Some New Year Thoughts for 2012

By: Jeff Katz – January, 2012 In 2011, the third House Speaker in a row, here in Massachusetts, became a convicted felon and is now a guest at Club Fed for the next seven years or so. A few lesser Massachusetts politicos also traded their given names for assigned numbers this past year, as well. […]

Another Socialist Lie: Crony Capitalism

Another Socialist Lie: Crony Capitalism

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By: Dr. Charles Ormsby-January, 2012   Circles can’t be squares and squares can’t be circles. For something to meet the requirements of both definitions is a logical impossibility. Just as square circles and circular squares don’t exist, I can assure you that crony capitalism doesn’t exist. And if you knew […]

Newt Gingrich: The Best Republican Candidate for President

Newt Gingrich: The Best Republican Candidate for President

Only Gingrich Can Institute the Fundamental Reforms Needed to Return America to Its Founding Principles and to the Prosperity That Will Quickly Follow  VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL! Today,America is stuck on stupid. We are mired in the leftist claims of entitlement and the promise that our prosperity can be achieved through a national policy of wealth […]

Tisei, kicks off campaign to unseat Tierney

Tisei, kicks off campaign to unseat Tierney

By: Tom Duggan – December, 2011 Wakefield – Former State Senator and candidate for Lt. Governor Richard Tisei announced last month that he will seek the republican nomination for congress in the hopes of unseating democrat John Tierney. Flanked by supporters and members of the media, Tisei said that he was going to make jobs […]

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

Speaker Gingrich talks about The Border, EPA, Education and More   Tom Duggan, Christine Morabito, Justess Bowles November, 2011 The Valley Patriot was invited to sit with Former Speaker of the House and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Valley Patriot President Tom Duggan, Tea Party Columnist Christine Morabito and College student Justess Bowles sat with Speaker […]

American Capitalism: Why the Hate?

American Capitalism: Why the Hate?

By: Christine Morabito, December, 2011 What a sad day in this country when our capitalist system is equated with evil. With the emergence of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the Obama administration urging them on, class warfare has pulled up an unwelcomed chair. Surely I am not the only one deeply disturbed by anarchists […]

Former UN Ambassador Bolton’s Harsh Criticism for Obama

Former UN Ambassador Bolton’s Harsh Criticism for Obama

By: Christine Morabito – November, 2011 It disappointed many conservatives when former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton announced he was not running for president. His invaluable foreign policy experience is sorely lacking in the current administration; and the world is taking notice. Obama is “the first president since Franklin Roosevelt, since Pearl Harbor, who doesn’t put protecting America’s security at the top of […]

Economics 999 at New Hampshire presidential debate

  By: Alex Talcott – November, 2011 Hanover, NH – Long before Republican voters and the media class turned blue holding their breath for a white-knight 2012 presidential candidate, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg publicly decided against a run in late 2010. The business and financial television network bearing his name broadcasted a presidential […]

Parents of Public School Children Beware!

Parents of Public School Children Beware!

Trasnformative Education – A Looming Disaster THINKING OUTSIDE the BOX! By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – October 2011 A Vision for                  Transformative Education (Taken from TransformEdu.Org Conference Proceedings) “These perceptions together form a vision of transformative education that is consolidated into the following interwoven aspects”: • Transformation is […]

Booing Gay Soldier Should be Denounced

Valley Patriot Editorial October, 2011 Last month a gay soldier asked a question during a Fox News, Republican presidential debate. While asking his question via satellite, one man in the crowd booed the soldier. We do not know exactly why the audience member was booing; we do know that no loyal American soldier should be […]

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