The Shallow World of Politics

  By: Paul Murano – November, 2010 Okay, so Republicans have picked up major gains in this midterm election. Is this something conservatives should celebrate? Does it mean the country is turning right? Not at all. It is a pattern that has been happening for decades. There are basically two reasons people win major elections […]

Shaky new standards for college readiness

  By: Sandra Stotsky – November, 2010 SPECIAL TO THE VALLEY PATRIOT “Dr. Ormsby is taking the month off to assess the existential meaning of the election results. He will return in December.” A mesmerizing phrase regularly rolls off the tongues of education experts these days. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan used it in a […]

Show your I.D. to vote: protect the process

  By: Ralph Zazula – October, 2010 A bipartisan citizen’s initiative called “Show ID to Vote” has been created in Massachusetts to address fraudulent voting across the USA. Through increased awareness it seeks to improve the integrity of the vote in the upcoming elections this November and beyond. By simply suggesting that voters voluntarily Show […]

Democrat State Senator Steve Baddour Defends Tea Party

  Sen. Baddour a Frequent Attendee At Tea Party Meetings By: Tom Duggan – October 08, 2010 Democrat State Senator Steve Baddour of Methuen has been seen networking and even speaking at Merrimack Valley Tea Party meetings in Andover, and North Andover. Given the hostility that leaders in his own political have for the Tea […]

Get Rid of Calculators

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX EXTRA By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – October, 2010 ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NY TIMES In my experience teaching college freshmen, my sense is that the average level of academic rigor in our public schools has fallen significantly over the past five decades. Even in wealthy communities, only a fraction of parents […]

For Those About to Vote, We Salute You!

For Those About to Vote, We Salute You!

  By: Christine Morabito – October, 2010 I’m absolutely humbled by the Tea Party and what they have been able to accomplish over the past 18 months. Not bad for a haphazard group of disaffected citizens who have been called irrelevant and were never expected to sustain momentum until the November elections. It is my […]

Mosque Supporters are a Disgrace to our Country

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   September, 2010 Next year marks the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 and the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. And while the ‘war on terror” is still going on and we are still fighting Al-Qaeda and Muslim Jihadist in Afghanistan, around the world and here at home, many have forgotten the terror […]

Stimulus or Waste? Obama’s Scam Wow

Stimulus or Waste? Obama’s Scam Wow

  By: Christine Morabito – September, 2010 In 1975 Sen. William Proxmire, D-WI, became the taxpayer’s superhero when he began passing out Golden Fleece Awards, spotlighting pork-barrel projects that wasted taxpayer dollars. This infuriated some of his colleagues, who could no longer squander other people’s money with impunity. Examples included: $84,000 to study “why people […]

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