Who Really Cares About the Environment?

Who Really Cares About the Environment?

Just Look Locally at Lawrence and Listen Carefully for the Crickets By: Tom Duggan – March, 2012 In July of 2009 the Valley Patriot wrote an explosive story, publishing Documents that reveled operators at the City of Lawrence’s brand new $26 million water treatment facility had failed to test the city’s drinking water for a […]

The Politics of Fornication

The Politics of Fornication

  By: Paul Murano – March, 2012 A female Georgetown law student testified before Congress last week claiming that she is going through considerable hardship because her Catholic affiliated university does not offer her free contraception to allow her to fornicate with no natural consequences. In response, Nancy Pelosi commiserated, Rush Limbaugh referred to her […]

Proud Daughter of a Lesbian

Proud Daughter of a Lesbian

By: Dani Langevin I knew my daughter was bullied as a child, but didn’t know how much until I recently read an eloquent paper she had written for one of her college classes. She survived a life threatening tumor as a child which left her with an unusually large chin and noticeable scarring on her […]

Newcomer Defeats Lantigua on Democrat Committee

Newcomer Defeats Lantigua on Democrat Committee

By: Gary Manion – March, 2012 On Super Tuesday the voters of Lawrence, Tewksbury, Dracut and Andover not only cast votes for President but voted for local and state party committees. Lawrence’s Mayor William Lantigua was on the ballot to be reelected to the Democrat State Committee. His only opponent was Lawrence District “C” City […]

Outsourcing Methuen City Services

  By: Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi – March, 2012 “With the City of Methuen in the middle of a battle over outsourcing the Information Technology Department (City Council rejected Mayor Zanni’s proposed privatization) former Mayor William Manzi offers a primer on privatizing municipal services, using the White Paper by Stephen Lisauskas and the Pioneer Institute […]

Romney Attack Machine in Overdrive

Romney Attack Machine in Overdrive

 By: Jeff Katz – March, 2012 As I write this, we are a few days out from the Michigan Republican primary and the race continues to evolve. For the past month, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has been leading former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. In fact, at times, Santorum’s lead has been shown to be […]

The Tyranny of Despots and Buffoons

The Tyranny of Despots and Buffoons

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By:Dr. Charles Ormsby – March, 2012 Can’t they just leave us alone? Why must they constantly meddle in our affairs? They are like overbearing busybodies with a congenital case of ego elephantiasis. Or is it arrogance elephantiasis? As children grow up they eventually outgrow the need for parental guidance. The […]

An Idea to Completely Restructure Taxation in MA

By: William Gunn – March 2013 I submitted a letter similar to the following to a Massachusetts State Legislator asking him to draft legislation that would eliminate the DOR and all income, sales and other taxes in the state to be replaced with a surcharge to every community based on property values. This would allow […]

Noose Tightens on Lantigua Admin

Feds Serve More Subpoenas in Corruption Probe By: Tom Duggan – March, 2012 Since the days of Willie Lantigua’s first campaign for state representative, The Valley Patriot has reported extensively on his failure to report campaign contributions, failure to declare campaign expenses and accepting illegal contributions such as cash, dollar amounts over the legal contribution […]

Hero in Our Midst: Colonel Kris Mineau, USAF (Ret.) – Valley Patriot of the Month

Helen Mooradkanian –  March, 2012 Colonel Kris Mineau, USAF (Ret.), of North Reading, flew 100 combat missions into North Vietnam in 1966 as fighter pilot in the supersonic F-4C Phantom II. Capable of speed Mach 2.23, more than twice the speed of sound, the Phantom was key to downing the Soviet MiG-21s used by the […]

Loving Life, Serving the Community Methuen City Councilor Jamie Atkinson

Loving Life, Serving the Community  Methuen City Councilor Jamie Atkinson

  By: Eva Montabello   When telling a story about “strength of spirit”, Methuen City Councilor Jamie Atkinson wholeheartedly embodies the statement. A lifetime of health hardships hasn’t stopped him from continuing to cross items off of his “bucket list”. From his recent election win to a Methuen City Council seat with a focus on […]

Lifting the Veil on Welfare Fraud

Lifting the Veil on Welfare Fraud

  By: Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party – February, 2012 If there is one thing Massachusetts excels at it is rewarding bad behavior. Exhibit A: the lack of oversight applied to entitlement programs. Take EBT cards. While in many cases these cards are used for their intended purpose, the system is a magnet for waste, fraud and abuse. One […]