Firefighter Heroes – Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

January, 2005 Even if we accept that everything Judy Brito says is true, Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan is absolutely right when he says that most firefighters in the city of Lawrence are honest, decent, hard-working individuals. They are the men and women who go out and respond to the cries for help from innocent victims […]

Valley Patriot of the Month: Tech. Sergeant Jeremiah Sullivan ~ Hero in Our Midst

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – January, 2005  A boyhood attraction to trains, electronic gadgets, and Morse code earned Jeremiah (Jerry) Sullivan a ticket to see Europe by air. Actually, it was numerous tickets; they were for a B-17, and the reception wasn’t very friendly. Jerry was born and grew up in Lawrence. He graduated from […]

The Best Bang for Your Buck?

The Best Bang for Your Buck?

  By: Lawrence City Council President, Patrick Blanchette – December 2004  Unfortunately the City of Lawrence is dealing with tough financial problems this year. When I was first elected to the Lawrence City Council (over five years ago,) the annual operating budget was roughly $170 million, with a contingency reserve account of $3 million. The […]

The United Nations-United for What? – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

The United Nations-United for What? – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – December, 2004  I became hooked on politics in High School in the early ‘60s. My favorite bumper sticker was in support of Communist China. It read: “Admit Red China to the U.N. – Give Them Our Seat”. I’d suggest such a trade today, but I think every despotic regime is […]

Random Thoughts with Mark Palermo

  By: Mark Palermo – December 2004 Have you gotten your flu shot yet? I’ve never gotten one and never will- for two reasons. First, I think they are a crock of bull, and secondly, I don’t trust the people who manufacture and promote them. As a result, I almost never get colds or flu […]

A Call To Serve

By: Kathleen Corey Rahme – December, 2004 Who are those individuals who have answered the Call to Serve? Do we know our veterans? If you watch MCTV, Methuen Community Access Television, Channel 22 Call to Serve, a show dedicated to recording the oral histories of World War II veterans you would recognize some of them […]

Valley Patriot of the Month, George Henderson – A Hero in Our Midst

  By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – December 2004 Meeting North Andover resident George Henderson for the first time, you wouldn’t guess what he did during his first three years after college. Born in 1921, he graduated from St. Michaels College in 1942, approximately six months after Pearl Harbor. George immediately signed up for duty in […]


By Tom Duggan – November – 2004 President Bush won a clear victory on Election Day with 51% of the popular vote.  He received over 59 million votes, with 3.5 million more than Senator John Kerry. He also received more votes than any other president in America’s history. The American voters have clearly spoken and […]

Republicans Must Stand & Deliver

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL November, 2004 The voters have spoken. Republicans have been entrusted with the power to establish and direct government policy. President Bush won a clear victory in both the popular vote and the Electoral College. The Senate is now 55% Republican and the House of Representatives has a 53-54% Republican majority. Republican Governors […]

A Nation Divided into Thirds

This article is being written before the election results are known. Absent more hanging chads and leftist lawyers seeking to undercut our election process, you now know who won. As of yet, I don’t. You know if we have re-elected an inarticulate, President who appreciates American principles but, all too often, is willing to compromise […]

Some People Never Learn

Some People Never Learn

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN     By: Tom Duggan  – November, 2004   With all due respect to the Superintendent of Schools in North Andover, you might think his previous job experience in Reading would have taught him a lesson or two about listening to parents and not supporting fuzzy math programs. Unfortunately for […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL October, 2004 LAWRENCE – In the towns of Andover and North Andover, candidates running for office are not allowed into the senior centers to campaign. These are public facilities, paid for and operated with public funds. Seniors (usually the most active voters) go there to congregate, have fun, and get important information […]

GLTS Dedicates Science & Technology Center

ANDOVER- The Greater Lawrence Technical School unveiled the new Science and Technology wing last month and dedicated it to a lifelong advocate of the vocational school, Evelyn Burke. Mrs. Burke has been a member of the Technical School Committee for eighteen years, was treasurer of the board for twelve years and was a nursing instructor […]

It’s Just a News Story!! – PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN, October, 2004

It’s Just a News Story!! – PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN, October, 2004

Hey People! It’s Just A News Story! October, 2004 Last month The Valley Patriot ran a front page news story about Brooks School Summer Camp in North Andover conducting mock marriage ceremonies between same-sex kids (some as young as five years old). Some people were clearly offended and outraged by the headline, “Brooks Marries Same […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL September, 2004 John Kerry and the democrats have long touted the myth that the presidents’ education initiative “No Child Left Behind Act” (NCLB) isn’t funded and “leaves kids behind”. In fact, it was a mantra at the Democrat National Convention and the media has consistently reported the charge as fact.  But, a […]