Governor Baker Scapegoats Hero Marine – Protects Political Insiders

Governor Baker Scapegoats Hero Marine – Protects Political Insiders

How Rich People of Privilege Set Up a Hero Marine From Lawrence By: Tom Duggan – June, 2021 Veterans and politicians in Massachusetts are demanding answers and an apology for Purple Heart recipient Francisco Urena, the former Secretary of Veterans Services for the Commonwealth, after a legislative report and a Boston Globe expose proved he […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR ~ LETTER: Local Officials Should Embrace The Valley Patriot, Paying Attention Podcast

LETTER TO THE EDITOR ~ LETTER: Local Officials Should Embrace The Valley Patriot, Paying Attention Podcast

To the Editor: I recently purchased ads for the Valley Patriot and Paying attention podcast, not because we need the business but because we want to support both mediums. In my opinion the Valley Patriot and Paying Attention Podcast provide a valuable service to the citizens of the Merrimack Valley. That said I and many […]

Senator DiZoglio Calls for Full Senate Investigation into The Scapegoating of Francisco Urena After the Deaths of 77 Veterans in the Holyoke Old Soldiers Home

Senator DiZoglio Calls for Full Senate Investigation into The Scapegoating of Francisco Urena After the Deaths of 77 Veterans in the Holyoke Old Soldiers Home

“The Governor “forgot” who he hired (Walsh) and a head had to roll, so he sent the Lawrence kid packing. Our purple Heart veteran Francisco Urena should certainly receive a public apology.” ~ State Senator Diana DiZoglio By: Tom Duggan – June 1, 2021 Massachusetts State Senator Diana DiZoglio (D-Methuen) is calling for a full […]

Valley Patriot Celebrating 17 Years – and Counting ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (03/21) –

Valley Patriot Celebrating 17 Years – and Counting ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (03/21) –

March, 2021 Seventeen years ago, this month, the very first Valley Patriot rolled off the printing press at Graphic Development in Hanover, Massachusetts. We remember the predictions of local politicians who said we would be out of business in 3 months, laughing at the idea that anyone would take this monthly publication seriously. We also […]

Local Chiefs Address Police Shootings, Training, Use of Force

Local Chiefs Address Police Shootings, Training, Use of Force

Help The Valley Patriot Stay in Business Your Donation of ANY Amount helps    In the wake of recent violence, rioting, looting, and attacks on police officers all over the country, Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan invited three local police chiefs in to his podcast to discuss recent events. Duggan asked the chiefs about officers […]

Media Hysteria and Scare Tactics Frighten a Nation – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

Media Hysteria and Scare Tactics Frighten a Nation – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

APRIL, 2020 Since the beginning of the coronavirus hysteria in this country the news media and even local officials have been only telling you part of the story. CNN, FOXNEWS and even local news networks have gone 24-7 with doom and gloom predictions about the virus, giving people the impression that if you get the […]

Corey Lewandowski will be Keynote Speaker at The Valley Patriot’s 16th Anniversary BASH March 27th

Corey Lewandowski will be Keynote Speaker at The Valley Patriot’s 16th Anniversary BASH March 27th

DONATE TO OUR SCHOLARSHIP DRIVE  President Donald Trump’s campaign manager for president in 2016, Corey Lewandowski will be the keynote speaker this year at The Valley Patriot’s 16th Anniversary BASH Scholarship and Award Night on March 27th at the Firefighter’s Reliefs In. GET TICKETS HERE   Each year The Valley Patriot gives scholarships to local […]

Local Police Chiefs: Despite Stats, Opioid Crisis Continues to Grow in the Valley

Local Police Chiefs: Despite Stats, Opioid Crisis Continues to Grow in the Valley

   please consider making a $1 donation video here PART I of our Opioid Summit on The Paying Attention Podcast with Tom Duggan included the police chiefs from four different communities to discuss the opioid crisis and homelessness. Joining Duggan were; North Andover Chief Charles Gray, Haverhill Chief Alan DeNaro, Boxford Chief Jim Riter, and […]

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