From the VAURA Patriot – Alex Talcott’s Political Notebook

* Go to hell or off fiscal cliff?: ABC News reporter Sunlen Miller, who has the U.S. Senate beat, noted on New Year’s Eve the debate-opening prayer of Senate Chaplain Barry Black: “Lift them from the darkness of hopelessness.” Amen. But aw heck—a public records search shows that in addition to cushy federal benefits, we […]

Governor Patrick, Who are you serving?

By: Christine Morabito – (November 19, 2012) Try not to let this ruin your day, but Governor Deval Patrick plans to direct state colleges and universities to offer lower (resident) tuition rates to illegal immigrants.  The state legislature has said “No” but apparently Patrick is going to do it anyway. This action by the governor is the result of President Obama’s executive order […]

A Bird’s Eye View of the 2012 Election – Evaluations, Endorsements & Links

A Bird’s Eye View of the 2012 Election – Evaluations, Endorsements & Links

Paying Attention! with Tom Duggan   November 3, 2012 After watching all the debate, interviewing the candidates, consuming the news and commercials every day I have made my final decisions on who I am supporting in Tuesday’s election. As the publisher of a newspaper, a political radio talk show host and an activist in my […]

More Legislators Call For Takeover of Lawrence, Removal of Lantigua

More Legislators Call For Takeover of Lawrence, Removal of Lantigua

Legislators Blame Deval Patrick Administration for Not Addressing the Lawrence Crisis By: Tom Duggan – October, 18, 2012 More Legislators on Beacon Hill are stepping forward this week to say they are tired of the state tax payers footing the bill for what Andover State Rep. Jim Lyons has called “an ongoing criminal enterprise” in […]

Rep. Lyons Calls Lawrence an “Ongoing Criminal Enterprise”

Rep. Lyons Calls Lawrence an “Ongoing Criminal Enterprise”

Local Officials Come Forward Calling for Lantigua’s Removal   By: Tom Duggan – October, 2012   In the wake of two more members of Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua’s administration being indicted last month, local officials are calling for Lantigua’s resignation and a complete state takeover of the entire city and one state representative calling he […]

Rep. Lyons Calls for State Takeover of Lawrence, Removal of Lantigua

   By: Tom Duggan – September 17, 2012 In the wake of two more members of the Lantigua administration being indicted last week, State Representative Jim Lyons, (R) Andover, is calling Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua’s administration a “corrupt criminal enterprise” that should no longer be enabled by the state taxpayers.  Lyons says that the corruption […]

Rep. Lyons Demands Immediate Appeal of Killer’s Sex Change

Rep. Lyons Demands Immediate Appeal of Killer’s Sex Change

Says Deval Patrick Should Have No Hesitation in Appealing Court Ruling   “This is an insult to the taxpayers of Massachusetts,” said Representative Jim Lyons of Andover. He represents neighborhoods in Dracut, Andover, North Andover and Tewksbury. Lyons was referring to the federal court decision that forces state taxpayers to fund the sex change of a […]

Republican Candidates Spar in NH Governor Debate

Republican Candidates Spar in NH Governor Debate

Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith Spar Over Who Should be Governor By: Tom Duggan, August, 2012 Last month republican candidates for Governor of New Hampshire, Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith, sparred over who was “more republican” and their different set of priorities for their state. The debate was sponsored in part by The Valley Patriot […]

Unelected Bureaucrats

  By: Peter Larocque – June, 2012 I would like to respond to an Editorial entitled, “Bake Sale Band Flap” that was published in the Eagle-Tribune on 5/13/2012. Towards the end of the editorial, the writer makes a conclusion concerning the crux of the matter, “when Legislators hand off their power to control the fine […]

Receiver Riley’s Millions

Receiver Riley’s Millions

Free Dental for all LPS Students and their Families   By: Tom Duggan, July, 2012 LAWRENCE – With the Lawrence Public School under the complete control of the State Department of Education there are a lot of changes coming to the school system, and a lot more money being spent.Where we are – State Commissioner […]

Chester’s Coup d’etat

Chester’s Coup d’etat

  By: Peter Larocque – January, 2012 As of the time this article went to print, The Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Mr. Mitchell Chester held meetings with the Lawrence Teacher’s Union, Lawrence Parents and Community members, and finally with the Lawrence Public School Personnel. His message to all is that he is […]