June is Adopt a Cat Month

June is Adopt a Cat Month

By: Tracey Zysk – June, 2013 What a Purr-fect time to bring a feline into your home. June is National Adopt a Cat Month. Rescue leagues nationwide in collaboration with the American Humane Society will be promoting this annual adoption event in hopes to find 1000’s of cats and kittens their forever home. In the […]

Knowledge vs. Wisdom

By: Certified Life Coach, Jeff Katz – June 2013 Visionaccomplished.net Surely you remember that old phrase, “a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.” There are very few expressions which really hit home like that one does. If you are of a certain age, you just don’t get it though. After all, while you […]

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

By: D.J. Bettencourt – June, 2013 All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the State. ~ Article 2A, New Hampshire Constitution Immediately following the 2012 elections, New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan and legislative Democrats began filing legislation to strip Granite Staters of their […]

Speaking In Support of Police Training and Public Safety

Speaking In Support of Police Training and Public Safety

By: Senator Katie O’Connor Ives – June 2013 May was a busy month in the Senate. It was my first budget season and per tradition in the legislature, a new legislator has to give a first formal speech – a “maiden speech” before being able to engage in discussion and debate on the floor. Senators […]

The Declaration of Independence vs. City of Lawrence

  By: Peter Larocque – June, 2013 According to the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are unalienable rights of all the people endowed by their Creator. To secure these rights, Governments are instituted deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, the people! Whenever any form of Government […]

Another Day, Another Scandal for the White House

Another Day, Another Scandal for the White House

By: Keff Katz – June, 2013 “Another day, another scandal” seems to have replaced “yes we can” and “forward” as the official slogan now employed by the current occupier of the Oval Office and his motley crew of acolytes. No longer is the Dear Leader talking about his desire to transform America, rather he and […]

Valley Patriot Editorial: Why Does Ed Markey Hate Women?

Valley Patriot Editorial: Why Does Ed Markey Hate Women?

We don’t know. Truth be told, we were stunned by the latest spate of TV commercials Markey and his advocates are running, which are highly insulting to women. Especially given that the media and the Democrat party have preached for three decades that Republicans represent “rich, old, white, men,” while Democrats represent young, energetic minorities […]

Common Core: Too Common for Our Kids

Common Core: Too Common for Our Kids

At the risk of sounding elitist, Massachusetts schools should not have to lower their exceptional education standards to be equal to other states. Alabama is a very nice place, but it does not necessarily share our educational requirements, especially if we hope to compete in the high tech and medical fields that attract students and […]

It’s Kitten Season!!

It’s Kitten Season!!

By: Crystal Galloway Arnott – May 2013 Shelter Manager, Lowell Humane Society Sure signs of spring have arrived, sunshine and blooming flowers, but for those of us in the animal sheltering field we have a different name for it: KITTEN SEASON. The usual reaction to kittens is a chorus of “awwws” and the fierce desire to snuggle […]

Knights ousted in College World Series

  By: Mark Behan – June, 2013 The Northern Essex Community College baseball express was derailed in Tyler, Texas, at the National Junior College World Series. The Knights were eliminated by Brookhaven Community College of Texas, 9-2. The loss, coupled with an opening-round defeat to Nassau Community College, 2-1, capped off the 2013 season. “Our […]

Mayhew makes history with all-time best

Mayhew makes history with all-time best

By:  Mark Behan – June, 2013 Alex Mayhew is worth cheering about. If you are not familiar with Alex Mayhew, it may be because you blinked. At 5-7, 150 pounds he is not particularly imposing.  But it’s not his slight build that may have caused you to miss him.  It’s his speed. Alex Mayhew is […]

Nothing “Fair” About the Market Place Fairness Act

By: D.J. Bettencourt – May 2013 By any measure, the “Market Place Fairness Act” currently under consideration by Congress is terrible policy. However, its negative effect on New Hampshire and small business is particularly pronounced. The proposed legislation is an internet sales tax that seeks to force every on-line retailer with annual sales exceeding $1 […]