MOTIVATION – What Shall We Tell Our Children?

MOTIVATION –  What Shall We Tell Our Children?

By: Jeff Katz – – May 2013 Certified Life Coach As I have delivered speeches on positive psychology, personal growth and self-motivation around the country, I have often been asked how to share these messages with younger children. There’s obviously no easy answer, but the same positive attitudes we strive to embrace as adults, are […]

TOM DUGGAN’S NOTEBOOK: Lantigua, Ed Markey, Gabriel Gomez, Frank Cousins and MORE!

  RICH OLD WHITE GUY VS YOUNG VIBRANT LATINO … WHATS A LIBERAL TO DO? For 25 years, the news media and the democrat party narrative has always been to get voters to have a knee jerk, emotional reaction to a race. The narrative has always been “rich, old, white guy equals bad” and “young […]

IN YOUR CORNER WITH SENATOR IVES: Two Bills for Welcoming Survivors Home

  By: State Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives – May 2013 We are all shocked and saddened by the cruelty of the attacks inflicted on innocent people at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. We mourn for the four individuals who lost their lives and their grieving friends and families. Our hearts also go out […]

MORALITY MATTERS – The Newest Hero in the Dictatorship of Relativism

By: Paul Murano – May 2013 You know the drill, someone of social importance comes out as “gay” and the media talking heads fall over each other deifying him. Among the herds vying for the politically correct tolerance award regarding NBA’s Jason Collins this week, public praise came from none other than Oprah, Bill Clinton, […]

Once Moderate on Taxes, Campbell Now Sticks it to State Tax Payers

  By D.J. Deeb – May, 2013 After 10 hours of debate on the evening of Monday, April 8, 2013, the Massachusetts State House of Representatives voted 97-55 to increase the current 21-cent-per-gallon state gas tax by 3-cents to 24-cents-per-gallon in 2015 and further indexing it to inflation each year following resulting in further gas […]

New School Math: Spend $4M to Save $40k? Article 19 North Andover Town Meeting Vote Expected May 21

By: Clare Donegan NORTH ANDOVER: Town Meeting voters are considering a $4M expenditure involving 16 municipal buildings, including 8 schools. If the contract is awarded to AMERESCO the $40k study will be “free.”  Forty percent is allocated for “new energy management systems” that communicate using wireless microwave radiation. Why install expensive infrastructure, which increases security […]