Stop Blaming God

Stop Blaming God

By: Peter Larocque – May, 2014 I am getting tired of people saying that God is judging and punishing America because of all the wrong that is going on today in the United States; this of course includes Lawrence, Massachusetts. My answer to this is simple. If that were true, then God would owe Jesus […]

Now the Real Healing Begins!

Now the Real Healing Begins!

By: Peter Larocque – December 2013 Almost four years ago at the inauguration and installation of Mayor William Lantigua which had the atmosphere of a coronation of a king, the posture and disposition of his administration was unveiled. Then, State Representative Lantigua entered the auditorium from the back and walked through the crowd of loyal […]

Now the Real Healing Begins!

By: Peter Larocque – November, 2013 First let me say congratulations to Mayor Elect Dan Rivera. I am so proud of the kind of campaign that you ran. You kept it clean! You didn’t go down to your opponent’s level and play in his backyard. You stayed above the negativity and stayed the course! You […]

Anyone But Mayor Willie Lantigua

By: Peter Larocque – August, 2013 When I get into discussions concerning the election for Mayor in The Great City of Lawrence, far too many times I hear, “anybody but Willie!” Unfortunately, “anybody but Willie” will not be on the ballot. “Anybody but Willie” is not a candidate! Yes, I understand the frustration among the […]

The Declaration of Independence vs. City of Lawrence

  By: Peter Larocque – June, 2013 According to the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are unalienable rights of all the people endowed by their Creator. To secure these rights, Governments are instituted deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, the people! Whenever any form of Government […]