Former Tribune Publisher Al Getler to Headline Valley Patriot’s 10TH Anniversary BASH – Fri., March 21, 2014 at 7pm

Former Tribune Publisher Al Getler to Headline Valley Patriot’s 10TH Anniversary BASH – Fri., March 21, 2014 at 7pm

Come Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of The Valley Patriot  Tickets:  $30 ea. Tables of ten are $250 BUY YOUR TICKETS USING PAYPAL BELOW RESERVE YOUR SEAT ON OUR EVENT PAGE  MAIL CHECKS TO: THE VALLEY PATRIOT BASH,  PO BOX 453, NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845  Veteran Hero Award, Editor’s Choice Award, President’s Award, Officer Tom Duggan Law Enforcement […]

The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, March 8, 2014

The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, March 8, 2014

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD HOUR 1  (right click to save to your IPOD or desktop) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Today Tom and Paul talked about the Valley Patriot’s upcoming Tenth Anniversary BASH and the three new columnists joining the Valley Patriot lineup (Dr. Frank MacMillan, Hypnotist Jerry Valley and Former Eagle Tribune publisher […]

Mayor Rivera Announces that Lawrence General Hospital to Provide Emergency Ambulance Services to the City

Mayor Rivera Announces that Lawrence General Hospital to Provide Emergency Ambulance Services to the City

Mayor Dan Rivera announced today that Lawrence General Hospital, the City’s leading health care provider, will expand its ambulance service for residents of the City of Lawrence from advanced life support to include basic life support. “Partnering with Lawrence General Hospital to provide this service will ensure a high level of emergency ambulance services for […]

Joint Committee Supports Reforming State Public Records Law, Add Penalties for Officials Who Refuse to Release Public Records

March 16, 2014 The days of public officials refusing to comply with the state’s public records law are almost over. So says State Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives (D), Newburyport who told the Valley Patriot on Wednesday that a Massachusetts joint House and Senate Committee on Public Administration has given a favorable recommendation to House Bill H2846, an […]

Georgetown, Conventions, Republicans, Theatre, Events…oh my!

By: Lonnie Brennan – February, 2014 The Georgetown Republican Committee held a caucus in late January and elected 9 representatives from Georgetown to represent the committee at the upcoming March 22 Massachusetts Republican Party Convention in Boston. Georgetown Republican Committee Chair Anne Tentindo has served as the driving force behind organizing and growing the local […]

New Hampshire’s Marijuana Law Betrays Small Government Principles

By: DJ Bettencourt – February, 2014 Granite Staters might assume that New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan’s pledge to veto legislation passed this month to legalize marijuana would end the discussion of the issue for this legislative session. Instead, it has intensified the debate at a time when marijuana policy is making history and emerging as […]

BABIES AND BRIEFCASES – The Multi-tasking Mama Finding A Balance

By: Cheryl Hajjar – February, 2014 So the other day while sitting at my kitchen island I found myself writing an email, having 2 conversations going via text, cooking dinner, and helping my son with his Math homework. Does that qualify for quintuple tasking? Is there such a word? I feel that that scenario goes […]

TEEN TALK WITH ANA DEBERNARDO – Marching for LIFE in Washington DC

TEEN TALK WITH ANA DEBERNARDO – Marching for LIFE in Washington DC

By: Ana Debernardo – February 2014 I’ve just returned home after spending four days in Washington, D.C., at the March for Life. About 80 kids from my school, and a dozen chaperones, take two buses every year. This year was my second consecutive year attending (as I am a sophomore). Both years, I was inspired […]

Haverhill High Graduation Rate is Highest in Eight Years at 75.3%

Haverhill High Graduation Rate is Highest in Eight Years at 75.3%

Superintendent James F. Scully announced last month that the four-year graduation rate of Haverhill High School has increased to the highest rate it has been since the state began calculating graduation rates in 2006. In 2013, Haverhill High School graduated more than 75.3% of the students that entered as ninth graders in 2009-2010. This is […]

As the Christie Turns – By Jeff Katz

As the Christie Turns – By Jeff Katz

By: Jeff Katz January, 2014 The other day, while lounging on a Sunday morning my wife turned on The Today Show which seemed more like an episode of “As Chris Christie Turns”. The latest development in the political version of Jersey Boys indicated that a politician was playing political games in awarding development money. Oh […]

SSgt. Dudley Farquhar, U.S. Army, 1st/1 Cav, Americal (23d Infantry)

SSgt. Dudley Farquhar, U.S. Army, 1st/1 Cav, Americal (23d Infantry)

By: Helen Mooradkanian – February, 2014 They called it “the Valley of Death”—the dreaded Hiep Duc Valley in Vietnam. The enemy’s stronghold. A major battleground. One where American units were nearly annihilated. Sergeant Dudley H. Farquhar, A Troop, 1/1st Cav, Americal Division (23d Infantry), as a member of Americal’s Reactionary Forces was sent in with […]

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