All The Lies The “News Media” Told You About Trump – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (June, 2017)

All The Lies The “News Media” Told You About Trump – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (June, 2017)

How CNN Proved Every Day that They Are Fake News  With all that talk about “fake news” these days it’s hard to know what to believe anymore. So many news outlets have abandoned the idea that journalists are to report facts objectively, free of political propaganda and personal opinions. Today, reporters do not report, they […]

Trump Exposed the Spineless Hypocrisy of So Many ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-16)

Trump Exposed the Spineless Hypocrisy of So Many ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-16)

Donald Trump not only won the presidential election, he got a higher number of Latino votes on Election Day than Mitt Romney did four years ago. He also did better with women than Romney, and won states that no republican has won in more than 30 years. The fact is, the media propaganda was wrong. […]

Media Lies in Presidential Race ~ Debunking the Propaganda

Media Lies in Presidential Race ~ Debunking the Propaganda

DOWNLOAD PDF OF THE OCT EDITION By: Tom Duggan, Valley Patriot Publisher|Oct. 2016 This year it has become painfully obvious to most objective news watchers that those who control the news media are more concerned with spreading falsehoods and rumors about the candidates for president than just reporting the news as it is. From CNN’s […]

Cops Executed Because of CNN’s Anti-Cop Hysteria

Cops Executed  Because of CNN’s Anti-Cop Hysteria

By: Tom Duggan, August, 2016 I blame CNN and their reporters for the execution of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge last month. Let me make my case, and hopefully elevate the discussion. We are preached at every day by democrat politicians and their advocates in the “news” media that it’s wrong to label […]

Public Rallies for Police, Speakers Talk of Importance of Supporting Police

Public Rallies for Police, Speakers Talk of Importance of Supporting Police

[youtube]   More than 350 people rallied at Methuen High School last week to show their love and support for police officers and their families. The rally was organized to honor of the five Dallas, and three Baton Rouge police officers who were executed over the last ten days. The rally was organized in eight […]

Democrat Violence for Democrat Causes – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-16)

Democrat Violence for Democrat Causes – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-16)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  For years, the false media narrative has been that the Tea Party controls the Republican Party and is made up of a bunch of “extremists” who could turn violent any minute. They are mocked and linked to the Republican Party on TV dramas like Law and Order, and are portrayed as bigots […]



HEROES – REP. DIANA DIZOGLIO (Methuen) and STATE SENATOR KATY IVES (Newburyport). Both DiZoglio and Ives worked tirelessly to get my public records bill a fair hearing in sub committees, made sure they were voted out of those committees favorably, held strong on penalties for law breakers, and then forced a full vote in the […]