HEROES IN OUR MIDST Chief Master Sgt. Michael Ingham U.S. Air Force

VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH   By: Ted Tripp – December, 2006 HAVERHILL – Next month Mike Ingham will retire after 33 years of service in the Air Force, both on active duty and in the reserves. His assignments have taken him all over the world: Germany, Italy, Spain, England, Alaska and Central America. Born […]

Call it What it is: Jew Hatred

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL November, 2006  The anti-Semitic hate group “Wheels of Justice” was recruited to speak to the children of Andover High School by their equally anti-Semitic physics teacher, Ron Francis. And when the principal canceled the group’s visit because no opposing views were being represented, these so-called “peace activists” had to be escorted out […]

Just Admit it…. You Really Don’t Care!

Just Admit it…. You Really Don’t Care!

PAYING ATTENTION! With TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – November, 2006 BACKGROUND….. Upon learning that Deval Patrick had fought to free admitted cop killer Carl Roy Songer, I, like many of you, was outraged that this man was a finalist for the top seat at the State House in Massachusetts. Songer pumped five bullets into Florida State Trooper Ronald Smith […]

The Candidates on Illegal Aliens

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   October, 2006  When it comes to issues of illegal aliens in Massachusetts, the views of Democrat candidate for governor Deval Patrick and the Republican candidate Kerry Healey could not be more different.  If you believe illegal aliens ought to have a driver’s license or be awarded in-state tuition, then your candidate […]

Hero in Our Midst, Part II, POW, Staff Sgt. Eldon Berthiaume, Infantryman

By: Ted Tripp – September, 2006 LAWRENCE – In early 1945, Pvt. Eldon Berthiaume of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division was captured by the Germans in the small village of Utweiler, Germany. He and other Americans taken prisoner were force-marched deeper into Germany and, after a temporary stay at a transitional POW camp, ended up […]

North Andover School Committee Insists on Laying off Teachers

Perry and Company Engage in Personal Attacks, Makes Lawrence Look Like Geniuses Paying Attention With Tom Duggan  By Tom Duggan – August 9, 2006    So you thought the Lawrence School Committee was a joke?  Well, last night the North Andover School Committee made the Lawrence School Committee look like educational geniuses as their meeting […]

Group Asks Ed. Commissioner to Investigate Andover Teacher for “Blatant Jew Hatred”

Classroom Credit to Support Terrorism?      Ron Francis is an Andover High School teacher, co-chair of the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party, leader in the Somerville Divestment Project and, as some in thecommunity would argue, is “anti-Semitic.”  “Ron Francis’ politics, statements and actions are anti-Semitic,” says Eric Danis, a graduate of Andover High School. “Both his […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Platitudes

Our Missing State Legislators When Northern Essex Needed Them PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By Tom Duggan – July, 2006 Every two years the voters of Lawrence have to endure the platitudes of politicians like Barry Finegold, Dave (Where-is-HE) Torrisi and State Senator Sue Tucker crowing about how they are “friends of higher education.” […]

Lawrence City Council Circus Delays NECCO Expansion Plan

    By: Tom Duggan – June, 2006 It was the usual circus at last nights meeting of the Lawrence City Council’s Housing Committee as Councilor Nilka Alvarez, (who is supposed to chair the meeting), completely lost control, allowing the meeting to degenerate into name calling, accusations of racism, a spate of misinformation, and a […]

Heroes in our Midst – Christian Farnham, Captain Daniel Leary, Specialist Philip Brooks of North Andover

By: Tom Duggan – June, 2006 *Specialist Christian Farnha Spc. Christian Farnham began his military career in 1992 when he decided to follow the family tradition of enlisting in the Marines. His father and brother both served in the Marine Corps. Farnham said it was very important to him that he follow in their footsteps […]

Some Hilights and Lowlights of the Flood

PAYING ATTENTION! WITH TOM DUGGAN By: Tom Duggan – June, 2006  Every year people who work for “non profit” organizations like Lawrence Community Works make their fortunes crowding into Lawrence’s council chambers, whining about how badly “they” need more of your tax dollars to build and secure housing for the “poor” people of Lawrence.  Yet, […]

National Red Cross Caught Red Handed Trying to Throw Flood Victims into the Streets

National Red Cross Caught Red Handed Trying to Throw Flood Victims into the Streets

RED CROSS NIGHTMARE Winner of the New England Press Association Award for General News Excellence Tom Duggan -June, 2006 Flood victims from Lawrence, North Andover and Methuen who were staying at the Red Cross shelter in Methuen during the immediate aftermath of last month’s flood say that they were treated so badly by the National […]