Valley Patriot Editorial: The Only Thing Wrong With Hanging Saddam… It was To Good for Him

  January 01, 2007  The New York Times editorial staff, in what could only be excused by a pre-New Years Eve drinking binge, complained in its December 29th editorial that Saddam’s trial was “flawed” and that the Iraqi government didn’t punish him in a way that “nurtured hope for a better future.”  The standard set […]

HEROES IN OUR MIDST Chief Master Sgt. Michael Ingham U.S. Air Force

VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH   By: Ted Tripp – December, 2006 HAVERHILL – Next month Mike Ingham will retire after 33 years of service in the Air Force, both on active duty and in the reserves. His assignments have taken him all over the world: Germany, Italy, Spain, England, Alaska and Central America. Born […]

Call it What it is: Jew Hatred

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL November, 2006  The anti-Semitic hate group “Wheels of Justice” was recruited to speak to the children of Andover High School by their equally anti-Semitic physics teacher, Ron Francis. And when the principal canceled the group’s visit because no opposing views were being represented, these so-called “peace activists” had to be escorted out […]

Heroes in Our Midst – Corporal Frank Sanzi – Paratrooper Korean War

Heroes in Our Midst – Corporal Frank Sanzi – Paratrooper Korean War

By: Ted Tripp – November, 2006 NORTH ANDOVER – On June 25, 1950 the North Korean Army, bolstered by Soviet tanks and aircraft, invaded South Korea. Immediately, President Harry Truman ordered General Douglas MacArthur to transfer ammunition and supplies from Japan to the ROK (Republic of Korea) Army and provide limited air support. On June […]

Hero in Our Midst – Capt.Terrance Hart U.S. Coast Guard – Valley Patriot of the Month

By: Ted Tripp – October, 2006 GEORGETOWN – Late on the night of December 26, 1970, in stormy seas 600 miles off Cape May, New Jersey, the aging 540-foot Finnish tanker Ragny broke in half without warning. An SOS went out and was relayed to the Coast Guard station in New York which immediately initiated […]

Hero in Our Midst, Part II, POW, Staff Sgt. Eldon Berthiaume, Infantryman

By: Ted Tripp – September, 2006 LAWRENCE – In early 1945, Pvt. Eldon Berthiaume of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division was captured by the Germans in the small village of Utweiler, Germany. He and other Americans taken prisoner were force-marched deeper into Germany and, after a temporary stay at a transitional POW camp, ended up […]

Lebanon, Israel Should be Allies

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   August, 2006  The idea that any state should passively accept random attacks of violence across its border by a terrorist organization is only slightly less ridiculous than the notion that a state can cede authority to a terrorist organization for part of its territory and still expect to be considered a […]

Group Asks Ed. Commissioner to Investigate Andover Teacher for “Blatant Jew Hatred”

Classroom Credit to Support Terrorism?      Ron Francis is an Andover High School teacher, co-chair of the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party, leader in the Somerville Divestment Project and, as some in thecommunity would argue, is “anti-Semitic.”  “Ron Francis’ politics, statements and actions are anti-Semitic,” says Eric Danis, a graduate of Andover High School. “Both his […]

The NY Times & Treason

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2006 The editors of The New York Times, once again, have decided to publish U.S. government secrets about how we are fighting the War on Terror. Revealing methods of tracking and catching terrorists to our enemies, the Times editors shamelessly hide behind their “rights” under the First Amendment to our Constitution […]

Hero in Our Midst – Joe Messina of Methuen – Hero in our Midst

By Ted Trip – July 05, 2006  METHUEN – Joe Messina was taking a shower below decks on the aircraft carrier USS Hancock after his Curtis SB2C Hell-diver returned from another grueling mission attacking Japanese shipping in Manila Bay.  Shortly after the ship’s General Quarters sounded, there was a tremendous explosion just over his head and […]

Heroes in our Midst – Christian Farnham, Captain Daniel Leary, Specialist Philip Brooks of North Andover

By: Tom Duggan – June, 2006 *Specialist Christian Farnha Spc. Christian Farnham began his military career in 1992 when he decided to follow the family tradition of enlisting in the Marines. His father and brother both served in the Marine Corps. Farnham said it was very important to him that he follow in their footsteps […]

Some Hilights and Lowlights of the Flood

PAYING ATTENTION! WITH TOM DUGGAN By: Tom Duggan – June, 2006  Every year people who work for “non profit” organizations like Lawrence Community Works make their fortunes crowding into Lawrence’s council chambers, whining about how badly “they” need more of your tax dollars to build and secure housing for the “poor” people of Lawrence.  Yet, […]

National Red Cross Caught Red Handed Trying to Throw Flood Victims into the Streets

National Red Cross Caught Red Handed Trying to Throw Flood Victims into the Streets

RED CROSS NIGHTMARE Winner of the New England Press Association Award for General News Excellence Tom Duggan -June, 2006 Flood victims from Lawrence, North Andover and Methuen who were staying at the Red Cross shelter in Methuen during the immediate aftermath of last month’s flood say that they were treated so badly by the National […]

Hero in our Midst – Luther McIlwain, Tuskegee Airman, Part 2 – Valley Patriot of the Month

(READ PART 1) By: Ted Tripp – May, 2006 METHUEN – As 85-year-old Luther McIlwain slowly walks around the kitchen table in his Pleasant Valley home, it is obvious that this Tuskegee Airman has a lot more story to tell about his military experience during World War II. Each little parcel of information he shares […]

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