Fat Letters Do Nothing to Fight Obesity

By: Tracy Watson, North Andover Selectman,  – March 2013 This recent week has brought much media attention to my family. This attention has come due to the fact that my son Cameron received what has recently been dubbed a “fat letter”. These letters are sent to the homes of children throughout the state of Massachusetts […]

Crime Soared with new Massachusetts Gun Law

By: Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist In 1998, Massachusetts passed what was hailed as the toughest gun-control legislation in the country. Among other stringencies, it banned semiautomatic “assault” weapons, imposed strict new licensing rules, prohibited anyone convicted of a violent crime or drug trafficking from ever carrying or owning a gun, and enacted severe penalties for […]

The Abuse of Restraining Orders to Gain an Advantage in Child Custody Proceedings

By Attorney Christine Sullivan The husband and wife both love their children and spend as much time with their children as possible. There has never been any physical or mental abuse in the marriage, but the marriage simply isn’t working. After a stressful weekend of arguing, the husband tells the wife that he wants a […]

Legislators have Ignored the State Constitution

By: DJ Bettencourt New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan’s decision to balance her proposed budget and fund the state’s infrastructure needs by assuming revenue generated by an expanded gaming proposal has sparked widespread debate across the Granite State. While much of that debate has centered on the wisdom of assuming revenue from a source that has […]

Hey Guys Sequester This!!

By: Jeff Katz It has been nothing short of fascinating to read, watch and listen to the histrionics currently being visited upon the American people by the current occupier of the Oval Office. The end is near, the oceans will once again rise, teachers will be kicked in the shins, people will be turned into […]

But Wait … What About the Children?

Prediction: Massachusetts lawmakers will be consulting their tattered playbooks to make a 50 cent tax increase on cigarettes more palatable. Every time this increase is proposed, politicians declare the new revenue is for the children, who will benefit from smoking prevention and smoking cessation programs. When it comes to funding such programs, states have a […]

The Paying Attention Radio Program with Tom Duggan ~ March 16, 2013

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD OR PLAY HOUR 1   CLICK TO DOWNLOAD OR PLAY HOUR 2   Today’s discussions: US Senator Elizabeth Warren is the dumbest person Tom has ever interviewed, all politicians lie, how democrat and the media lie about labeling and stereotyping, a preview of the Valley Patriot 9th anniversary BASH,a discussion on Law Enforcement and […]