Paul Adams Answers Bogus Eagle Tribune Story on His Finances

  By; State Representative Paul Adams – December, 2010 An Eagle Tribune story last month called into question the source of campaign money spent by State Representative-elect Paul Adams and even insinuated that he lied about his background and work experience prior to the election. Adams issued this press release a few days later, and, […]

Musings from the Gulag

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – December, 2010 While most of the country woke up and rejected the Democrat-led mad dash to collectivism, approximately 55% of Massachusetts voters (along with a plurality of voters in several other loony states, notably California) clung to their government’s apron strings. The 55%, those who […]

PLEASE! Touch our Junk!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL DECEMBER – 2010   Now, which plane would you rather fly on, the plane with no pat downs and no x-ray screenings, or the one with inconvenient, extensive pat downs and “advanced imaging technology,” (also known as a full-body scanner)? Well, we know which one Muslim terrorists who wants to commit jihad […]

Fitness Together-N.A. Launches Type 2 Diabetes Study – Invites Local Residents to Participate

  By: Tracey Zysk – December, 2010 North Andover, Mass. Some of the newest clients exercising at Fitness Together in North Andover are doing more than stepping on a scale to chart their progress. They’re giving blood. They are part of a type 2 diabetes observational study being conducted by area Fitness Together studios to […]

Hope and Change

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL NOVEMBER, 2010   Election night 2010 was stunning for many here in Massachusetts, but the results were not always what we hoped for. Many of us worked hard on campaigns, taking time away from families and jobs to help elect our favorite candidates. When the candidates we worked for were defeated, it […]


  By; Dani Langevin – Lesbian Columnist – November, 2010 Public Displays of Affection (PDA), I see them all the time. Students hugging in the halls, people old and young holding hands, giving each other a quick kiss goodbye or the worst is those teens with little to no respect for themselves or anyone else […]

The Shallow World of Politics

  By: Paul Murano – November, 2010 Okay, so Republicans have picked up major gains in this midterm election. Is this something conservatives should celebrate? Does it mean the country is turning right? Not at all. It is a pattern that has been happening for decades. There are basically two reasons people win major elections […]

Patrick-Baker Result No Surprise

  By: Robert O’Koniewki – November, 2010 If one had paid the slightest bit of attention to the progression of the latest gubernatorial election one would not have been surprised that Democrat Deval Patrick topped Republican Charlie Baker to grab the governor’s office for another four years. The result seemed to possess some shock to […]

Local, National Leaders Honored For Protecting Children

By: Laurie Myers – November, 2010 Community VOICES a Victims’ Rights organization whose mission it is to raise awareness of child sexual abuse, missing and exploited children and Internet predators honored the Littleton Massachusetts Police Department with the Community VOICES Jeffrey Curley Dedicated Service Award. They received this award for their exemplary performance in 2009 […]

Lowering Dracut Town Meeting Quorum to 50 is a bad idea

  By: D.J. Deeb – November, 2010 Dracut residents recently rejected a warrant article lowering the quorum requirement at its annual November town meetings to 50. This change was proposed by Dracut Town Clerk Kathy Graham as a cost saving measure. Although I can appreciate Kathy Graham’s good intentions, I believe that lowering the quorum […]

Faggan, L’Italien, Pelosi Dumped Ding, Dong, the Worst are Gone!

GEORGETOWN TODAY By: Lawrence “Lonnie” Brennan – November, 2010 Locally and nationally, ultra-liberal, ultra-taxing, ultra-arrogant and entrenched politicians got slapped in the face and kicked to the curb. It’s about time. James Faggan was that notorious ‘rep’ who argued against protecting children, even going so far as to let us all know he would make […]

What is the Tea Party Movement?

  By: Tom Weaver – November, 2010 What unites this group of Americans? They meet, share ideas and listen without the benefit of elected leaders or organization rules. What is the glue, the spirit and the common beliefs that create the Tea Party Movement? Perhaps those beliefs embraced by the Tea Party Movement are indeed […]

Shaky new standards for college readiness

  By: Sandra Stotsky – November, 2010 SPECIAL TO THE VALLEY PATRIOT “Dr. Ormsby is taking the month off to assess the existential meaning of the election results. He will return in December.” A mesmerizing phrase regularly rolls off the tongues of education experts these days. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan used it in a […]