Mosque Supporters are a Disgrace to our Country

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   September, 2010 Next year marks the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 and the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. And while the ‘war on terror” is still going on and we are still fighting Al-Qaeda and Muslim Jihadist in Afghanistan, around the world and here at home, many have forgotten the terror […]

MA State Auditors Debate on The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan on WCAP, (September 04, 2010)

MA State Auditors Debate on The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan on WCAP, (September 04, 2010)

Click here for MP3 of the show Click here for source page, (mac users can also listen here) A REAL debate between the two Republican candidates for State Auditor: Kamal Jain ad Mary Z Connaughton was held on Tom Duggan’s Paying Attention Radio Program on September 4, 2010 a the WCAP studios. Jain and Connaughton […]

Stimulus or Waste? Obama’s Scam Wow

Stimulus or Waste? Obama’s Scam Wow

  By: Christine Morabito – September, 2010 In 1975 Sen. William Proxmire, D-WI, became the taxpayer’s superhero when he began passing out Golden Fleece Awards, spotlighting pork-barrel projects that wasted taxpayer dollars. This infuriated some of his colleagues, who could no longer squander other people’s money with impunity. Examples included: $84,000 to study “why people […]

Being the Candidates Son!

Being the Candidates Son!

By: Zeke Golnik – September, 2010 Hi my name is Zeke Golnik and my dad, Jon Golnik is running for Congress in the 5th district of Massachusetts. My dad is a hard working man who is unhappy about our country right now and wants to make it a better place for me and my sister […]

Caring for elderly loved ones with disease

  By: Teri Mercier – September, 2010 Taking care of an elderly loved one is no easy task. When disease is involved, it becomes even more challenging. People who care for an elderly loved one make up almost one quarter of adults in most states in America, and the numbers are growing. Family caregivers provide […]

The Heartbeat of the Valley

  By: Paul Murano – August, 2010 When I moved back home from Tampa in the early 1990’s I gathered together a young adult group from St. Margaret’s in Burlington to share an idea. A crisis pregnancy center was needed in the area. To make a long story short everything fell into place, and from […]

Gay Writers of the Valley

Ye Gay Old Valley   By: Dani Langiven, Lesbian Columnist – August, 2010 I thought I’d step away from my political ranting and introduce you to two members of the valley’s gay community who are also writers. Brian Tessier is a 44-year-old attorney and single father of two adopted boys, aged 4 and 8. Tessier […]

It’s the Money, Stupid!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  AUGUST, 2010 Late last month Massachusetts education officials decided to discard the MCAS testing requirements and adopt a new federal program called the Common Core State Standards.   In recent years, Massachusetts has ranked at the top or near the top compared to all other states when it comes to the education […]