April, 2019 For three years, the mainstream “news” media and their masters in the democrat party thumped their chests and propagated the lie that President Donald Trump was a secret Russian spy for Vladimir Putin who literally stole the election from their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton. They told us Russia “hacked the election” which is […]
How CNN Proved Every Day that They Are Fake News With all that talk about “fake news” these days it’s hard to know what to believe anymore. So many news outlets have abandoned the idea that journalists are to report facts objectively, free of political propaganda and personal opinions. Today, reporters do not report, they […]
By: Tom Duggan – Nov. 2016 With all the media lies and misrepresentations about Donald Trump before the election, it’s hard to know what was real and what was just made-up, anti-Trump hysteria. So, what will Donald Trump do as president? Nobody really knows the answer to that since he has never been elected to […]
Donald Trump not only won the presidential election, he got a higher number of Latino votes on Election Day than Mitt Romney did four years ago. He also did better with women than Romney, and won states that no republican has won in more than 30 years. The fact is, the media propaganda was wrong. […]
By: Tom Duggan, August, 2016 I blame CNN and their reporters for the execution of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge last month. Let me make my case, and hopefully elevate the discussion. We are preached at every day by democrat politicians and their advocates in the “news” media that it’s wrong to label […]
VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL For years, the false media narrative has been that the Tea Party controls the Republican Party and is made up of a bunch of “extremists” who could turn violent any minute. They are mocked and linked to the Republican Party on TV dramas like Law and Order, and are portrayed as bigots […]
By: Tom Duggan – August, 2015 Explosive new details have come to light revealing that viral media reports on a 911 dispatcher in Lawrence, whose “job is on the line” over hanging up on Spanish-speaking callers … is false. CBS news and other outlets reported this week “A 911 dispatcher’s job is on the line […]
VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2015 Those who work in the “news” industry are obsessed with promoting lies and half-truths to destroy political candidates they do not like, instead of just doing their jobs and reporting the news. Last month, Donald Trump became the latest to fall victim to the liars in the “news” media, as […]
By: Paul Murano – August, 2013 Last month in this column we mentioned that the distortion of adding same sex partners to the definition of marriage was not nearly as shocking to society as the separation of sex from marriage had been. When Elvis shocked the […]
By: Jeff Katz – May, 2013 Just in case anyone needed a reminder that we are still a nation at war, they should have gotten that message loud and clear on Patriot’s Day 2013. On April 15, two bombs were deployed which rocked the finish line of the venerable Boston Marathon. What followed these […]
By: Christine Morabito – (August, 2012) With predictable swiftness, the mainstream media rushed to blame the Tea Party following the movie theater murders in Aurora, Colorado. This time the stone was cast by ABC news correspondent Brian Ross, who apparently slept through his journalism class on libel law. When their researchers conducted an online search […]