Tying the Hands of the Teacher

Tying the Hands of the Teacher

  By: Dani Langevin – November, 2012 As a teacher I am told that I must inspire my students. I must make my classes interesting and engaging, keep up with the latest technology, know and follow the curriculum frameworks and the Common Core Standards. I am given a short list of what it is I […]

Jihad of the Cultural Left

Jihad of the Cultural Left

  By: Paul Murano – November, 2012 When people over here decry religious wars in the middle east as being backward they unwittingly display hypocrisy. There has been an ongoing religious war on our soil for decades ironically perpetrated by secular humanism or the cultural left, which Dennis Prager calls the fastest growing religion in […]

The Tea Party – Take 2

The Tea Party – Take 2

By: Christine Morabito – President Greater Boston Tea Party November, 2012  Rarely am I at a loss for words, but I feel as if I am groping around in the dark after an extraordinarily long and disappointing Election Day. The November 6, 2012 election will be recorded as a major milestone in the life of […]

EDITORIAL: Enemies of Free Speech In Haverhill in the name of “Civil Rights – (NOV-12)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   (November, 2012) Just days before the 2012 election, members of the Greater Haverhill Civil Rights Commission demanded that a political sign (supporting Scott Brown) be removed from private property because it included the phrase “Not an Indian”. That phrase was clearly shorthand for “Not a fake Indian” or “Not a Native […]

Meet The News Bosses Same As The Old Bosses

  By: Jeff Katz – November, 2012 The election where the worst president in history should have been shown the door is over and the Dear Leader has actually been re-elected. By every reasonable measure Barack Obama has been an abject failure as President of the United States. Unemployment continues to rage out of control, […]

Senator-Elect Katie Ives: I’ll Attend Tea Party Meetings & Listen

Senator-Elect Katie Ives: I’ll Attend Tea Party Meetings & Listen

Listen to Hour 1        Listen to Hour 2 Saturday on The Paying Attention! Radio Program on WCAP (980AM) Senator-Elect Kathleen O’Connor Ives co-hosted The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan. Ives commits to attend Tea Party Meetings and listen to the concerns of her constituents in the Tea Party.  […]

A Bird’s Eye View of the 2012 Election – Evaluations, Endorsements & Links

A Bird’s Eye View of the 2012 Election – Evaluations, Endorsements & Links

Paying Attention! with Tom Duggan   November 3, 2012 After watching all the debate, interviewing the candidates, consuming the news and commercials every day I have made my final decisions on who I am supporting in Tuesday’s election. As the publisher of a newspaper, a political radio talk show host and an activist in my […]

Woman Dies after Knee Surgery at Holy Family Hospital – Son Calls for Criminally Negligent Homicide Charges

Woman Dies after Knee Surgery at Holy Family Hospital – Son Calls for Criminally Negligent Homicide Charges

By: Tom Duggan – October 28, 2012 When Hampton Beach NH resident Helen Bousquet was admitted to the Holy Family (Caritas) Hospital for Knee surgery last month, her son, Haverhill native Brian Evans, says he had no idea she would never be coming home again. “It’s been unbelievable from A to Z,” Brian Evans told […]

Lawrence at a crossroad: The “four Rs” of public policy

Lawrence at a crossroad: The “four Rs” of public policy

  By: Joe D’Amore  October, 2012 With headlines announcing indictments of key public officials in Lawrence the city has reached an historic crossroad which will define its emergence or decline from the current state of turmoil. At stake is the well- being of the city and all the surrounding communities as results that stem from […]

Eagle Tribune Identifies Police Source on Drug/Gun Raid

Eagle Tribune Identifies Police Source on Drug/Gun Raid

PAYING ATTENTION OPINION EXTRA Tom Duggan (10/12/12) Last month the Eagle Tribune published a story about a police raid on drug gang in Lawrence. In that story, written by none other than Mark Vogler who reported; “Yesterday, Lawrence Police Chief John Romero hailed the concerned neighbors as heroes after the operation, which began at 6 […]

Warrior Dash

Warrior Dash

 By: Christine Prescott – October, 2012 The Warrior Dash is held annually throughout the world. It’s an intense 5k running event held on the most challenging rugged terrain. The race also includes obstacle courses, mud,) crawling under barb wire and fire leaping events. The event is meant to challenge every single ounce of endurance and […]



  Simply amazing isn’t it? There are actually people in, this, the greatest country on the face of the earth, going around promoting the idea that people who succeed in life do so only because of the involvement of others in their lives. They deny individual success and achievement. (You can’t make this stuff up.) […]