Group Asks Ed. Commissioner to Investigate Andover Teacher for “Blatant Jew Hatred”

Classroom Credit to Support Terrorism?      Ron Francis is an Andover High School teacher, co-chair of the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party, leader in the Somerville Divestment Project and, as some in thecommunity would argue, is “anti-Semitic.”  “Ron Francis’ politics, statements and actions are anti-Semitic,” says Eric Danis, a graduate of Andover High School. “Both his […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Platitudes

Our Missing State Legislators When Northern Essex Needed Them PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By Tom Duggan – July, 2006 Every two years the voters of Lawrence have to endure the platitudes of politicians like Barry Finegold, Dave (Where-is-HE) Torrisi and State Senator Sue Tucker crowing about how they are “friends of higher education.” […]

The NY Times & Treason

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2006 The editors of The New York Times, once again, have decided to publish U.S. government secrets about how we are fighting the War on Terror. Revealing methods of tracking and catching terrorists to our enemies, the Times editors shamelessly hide behind their “rights” under the First Amendment to our Constitution […]

Lawrence City Council Circus Delays NECCO Expansion Plan

    By: Tom Duggan – June, 2006 It was the usual circus at last nights meeting of the Lawrence City Council’s Housing Committee as Councilor Nilka Alvarez, (who is supposed to chair the meeting), completely lost control, allowing the meeting to degenerate into name calling, accusations of racism, a spate of misinformation, and a […]

Some Hilights and Lowlights of the Flood

PAYING ATTENTION! WITH TOM DUGGAN By: Tom Duggan – June, 2006  Every year people who work for “non profit” organizations like Lawrence Community Works make their fortunes crowding into Lawrence’s council chambers, whining about how badly “they” need more of your tax dollars to build and secure housing for the “poor” people of Lawrence.  Yet, […]

Father’s Priorities are Out of Wack There’s a New Greg Hyatt in Town

Father’s Priorities are Out of Wack There’s a New Greg Hyatt in Town

May, 2006 There used to be a well-known guy from Methuen named Greg Hyatt – he who would cry about conspiracies, the corrupt court system, and how everyone was wrong but him. He had a Web site where he would slander and vilify people he did not like, blaming everyone but himself for his problems. […]

Yes, America is Ready to see Flight 93

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL May, 2006 On September 11, 2001, the passengers of United Flight 93 overpowered a handful of terrorists and prevented another catastrophe from taking place that day. Now, Hollywood has made a movie depicting the heroism of the passengers on that ill-fated flight, yet some people are using the excuse that “America isn’t […]

“Harassed” Secretary in Methuen Gets Workers’ Comp

By: Tom Duggan – April, 04, 2006 Fulya Metin, the former secretary for the city of Methuen, who alleged sexual harassment against then City Solicitor Maurice Leriviere, has been awarded workers’ compensation benefits.  After claiming that she could no longer work comfortably in the same office where Solicitor Lariviere had allegedly “harassed” her (even though […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   April, 2006 Last week a few hundred illegal aliens and their collaborators held an illegal protest on the streets of Lawrence. What exactly were they protesting? They were protesting America’s laws, which requires that they go through a legal process before entering the United States. But it wasn’t just in Lawrence. […]

Freedom Deserves More Than Lip Service

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  March, 2006 The people of the Arab world declared war on freedom and all who defend it when they committed violence around the globe in response to political cartoons depicting their prophet Muhammad. Some even in a flattering light.  They now believe that Islamic law, always reserved exclusively for those who follow […]

Hooray, Hamas Won!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL February, 2006  Many now wring their hands over the ascendancy of Hamas in the Palestinian elections. In disbelief, they ask, “What has the democratic process wrought? A government of terrorists?”  But there may be a silver lining that clears away the haze!  Now there are no more excuses that suicide bombings are […]

Heroes in our Midst – Don & Linda Dean Campbell – Valley Patriots of the Month

Heroes in our Midst – Don & Linda Dean Campbell – Valley Patriots of the Month

By: Tom Duggan – February, 2006 Don Campbell joined the military in 1978. He was commissioned into ROTC at Pittsburgh State University in Pittsburg, Kansas. After serving active duty for his first two years in Kansas, Don was sent to Germany at the height of the cold war and stationed at various bases around the […]

Assumptions & Intimidations

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   February, 2006 The owners and editors of The Valley Patriot signed the marriage petition to allow the voters of Massachusetts to vote on whether or not marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman. Decisions of this import and scope, impacting traditions that have stood for thousands of […]

Hero in our Midst – William Callahan – Valley Patriot of the Month

Hero in our Midst – William Callahan – Valley Patriot of the Month

By: Tom Duggan -January, 2006 NORTH ANDOVER – Lawrence native Bill Callahan served his country in two wars, World War II and the Korean War. After completing his military service, he has also spent decades volunteering in the community and working to help others. When Bill Callahan graduated from Lawrence High School in 1945, the […]