The Ongoing Fight Against Tax Increases

By: State Senator Kathleen Ives – August, 2013 There has been some misinformation in the press about the Legislature’s recent vote to override Governor Deval Patrick’s veto of the Transportation Finance Bill. Some outlets are reporting that by fighting against the Governor on this veto, the legislature chose to raise the gas tax by 3 […]

Proposed Tewksbury Casino Good For Methuen, Merrimack Valley

The Tewksbury Board of Selectmen voted unanimously on July 18 to move forward a process that will let Tewksbury residents vote on whether or not to allow a Casino in their town. Tewksbury Selectmen should be commended for making the right decision in moving this proposal forward despite opposition from some powerful anti-casino interests. Although […]

Anyone But Mayor Willie Lantigua

By: Peter Larocque – August, 2013 When I get into discussions concerning the election for Mayor in The Great City of Lawrence, far too many times I hear, “anybody but Willie!” Unfortunately, “anybody but Willie” will not be on the ballot. “Anybody but Willie” is not a candidate! Yes, I understand the frustration among the […]

The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, August 17, 2013

LISTEN TO HOUR ONE (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) LISTEN TO HOUR TWO (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) LISTEN TO HOUR THREE (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) Today Tom and Paul talked about Forgeries on Mayor Lantigua’s nomination papers, Tom interviewed Mayoral Candidate Marcos Devers and asked him about Lantigua’s failures, corruption and shenanigans and why he should […]

Adventures in Lawrence Election Fraud

By: Kathy Runge – August, 2013 Anyone familiar with the city of Lawrence is aware of the lax record keeping and controls in various city departments, i.e. city garages and Inspectional Services to name two. Does anyone believe it’s any better in the Elections Department? Let me share my findings. I’ve been writing programs to […]

An Inside Look From State Rep. Diana DiZoglio

By: State Rep. Diana Dizoglio If there is one thing that I have learned during my first term representing you on Beacon Hill, it’s that things don’t always appear as they seem and that the legislative process can be a real head scratcher. Witness recently when Governor Deval Patrick vetoed a transportation bill that significantly […]

They’ve Done It Again!

By: Jeff Katz – July, 2013 If you felt a little extra tug on your wallet recently that’s because our Beacon Hill payroll patriots decided that you just were not doing your part. It seems that you were not paying your fair share, so the profiles in courage who sit in our General Court decreed […]

Detroit, USA: A Monument to Democrat Policies

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Chuck Ormsby – July 2013 Detroit has imploded. Like the giant oak whose innards were consumed by thousands of termites, Detroit has finally collapsed. Its productive core can no longer support its own weight. The Democrat Party and its allies in big-government unions should be congratulated. Their criminal thievery, […]

Parole Officers who Freed Cop Killer Reinstated: Valley Patriot August, 2013 Editorial

Parole Officers who Freed Cop Killer Reinstated: Valley Patriot August, 2013 Editorial

Valley Patriot August ’13 Editorial It’s simply sickening. An arbitrator has reinstated two of the parole officials responsible for the release of cop killer Dominic Cinelli. At this point we believe everyone who contributed to the release of Cinelli should be purged from the public payrolls. If that can’t be done these individuals need to […]

DiZoglio, Lyons Spar on Taxes – The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, August 3, 2013

DiZoglio, Lyons Spar on Taxes – The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, August 3, 2013

LISTEN TO HOUR ONE (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) Russia takes a hard line on gays and the gay community is outraged…. but are we supposed to respect other people’s cultures? Who are WE to say that their culture is wrong and OUR culture is right? I mean that is what we have been told by […]

State Police Officer Commits Suicide After Being Suspended Pending Criminal Investigation

BREAKING…. Tom Duggan – July 30, 2013                                 (OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY STORIES) A Massachusetts State Trooper who committed Suicide yesterday was under investigation for criminal activity while on duty Saturday night. He was relieved of duty pending the investigation and […]

American College of History and Legal Studies Becomes First Member of the Salem Animal Rescue League

By: DJ Bettencourt – July, 2013 (Other Pet Stories) SALEM- The Salem Animal Rescue League (SARL) today announced that the American College of History and Legal Studies (ACHLS), a two year undergraduate college located in Salem, NH, has become the first business member of SARL. Earlier this month, SARL announced that for the first time […]